Saturday, November 23, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 97


Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  97 Session Date- 11/22/24

Time Passed- 2 days (11/22, rest 11/23)

Roll Call-  Finnigan- T7

Rust- D7

Godhard- C7

2x Pal hench

Kenny- M/U7

Boyo- C6

Oops- M/U1

Almost- M/U0

Adventure Log-  The party again decides to attempt a delve into Chateau Amber, the mystical structure that has formed in the Iron Quarter.  They use the Trump card they were given by Steven Ambrose to begin in the Chateau’s central area, a large garden under a domed roof.  Upon teleporting into there via the card, the party finds themselves on a path that leads through the dense foliage of the Inner Gardens.  They proceed forward and are attacked by some aggressive trees posted on either side of the path, but quickly flee.  Moving on they hear some strange rustling in the woods and see some shadowy figures, but before they can decide what to do Finnigan spies a beautiful maiden and a unicorn asleep on the path up ahead.  He sneaks forward and awakens them with some calming lute music. They awaken and exchange pleasantries with the party but suddenly gather up their belongings, a chest overflowing with platinum, and speed ahead on the path.  Some coins spill out in their haste and the party takes them.  Around the next bend, the party encounters the unicorn and the girl again, but the girl suddenly transforms into a gold dragon and inquires if the party has any of her belongings?  They admit to taking the coins, and promptly give them back.  The gold dragon shows some disappointment with the party as does the unicorn, and they fly off, unwilling to offer the party any lore on the Gardens and its denizens.  A little further on, Finnigan sneaks forward again, only to encounter a billygoatman negotiate passage over a troll’s bridge by offering up Finnigan as replacement meal!  The troll agrees and allows him to cross, then moves forward to make a meal of Finnigan, who promptly runs back to the party.  The showdown with the party is largely finished with a fireball from Kenny, assisted by rounds of missile fire.   They char the troll and find its primitive lair under the bridge, finding some gold, some precious jewelry, and a protection scroll.  However, shortly after the fireball goes off, they hear a horn as if from a hunting horn and off in the distance they hear the charge of wild creatures.  They decide to make a stand at the bridge, where they receive a charge from 2 lupin on dire wolves and 2 rakasta on sabre toothed tigers.  The lupin are blinded and pinned down by a pyrotechnics and web spells, but the tigers leap wide and go around one side of the bridge where they can get past the elbow of the stream.  They charge into the side of the party and immediately cut down the 2 apprentice mages.  Right after that the leader of this Wild Hunt, lord Andre David Ambrose, who has been magically altered as a goatman creature comes out of the forest on the party's other flank and slams into the paladins riding an elk.  The rakasta and one of the tigers area slain, and Godhard manages to dispel the magic that transformed Prince Andre David, who is eternally grateful.  He rewards the party with his magic mace and a potion of animal control.  Then he shows them the rest of the attractions in the forest, and takes them to 2 doors that lead to the Chapel and East Wing, respectively. Each door is magically sealed, but in the jamb of each door is another magic trump card, one that will bring the party to either place in the chateau.  They are teleported out of the chateau, back into the Iron Quarter, where their original trump card disintegrates.  They store their 2 new cards someplace safe.   

Session Notes-  It was fun to run a little more Castle Amber, I just riffed on the module and made some stuff up on the fly.  Sometimes it's nice to run those old modules that have all the monster stats in the back, it just makes for a session that’s logistically a little easier to run- no book juggling.  With online play you definitely need a big workspace that works for your computer setup.  With session 100 nearing, I have a little something to challenge the party and make a good place for a short hiatus.  At some point the writing of session reports, though essential, does become a time sink, and it will be nice to take a break from them.  

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- Troll 813xp, 2 Rakasta 96xp, Sabretoothed Tiger 910xp.  Treasure-  1000gp, 6 Jewelry 14,800xp, Silver key to Amber’s Dungeon, Scroll Prot from Devils, Mace +2. Potion animal control= 15,800xp= 17,619/5 PCs= 3524xp each, henchmen get 529xp each, add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard-  Lucky, Marathon, and Arthur- incinerated by a Falmestrike on the Bronco at the 1st Slime Cultist Battle.  (session 96)

Oops, Almost- killed by Rakasta and Sabretoothed Tigers in Chateau Amber’s Inner Garden (session 97)

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