Sunday, June 12, 2022

House Rules I Use in My Advanced Labyrinth Lord Mar-Millor 1.0 Campaign

 Here are all the house rules and things I have borrowed from AD&D that I have added to my ALL game.  The d6 Lore skill roll I don't usually use as roll for success/failure.  I use it more for letting the player roleplay or explain their idea/action, if its good and I adjudicate it successful, I then ask for a Lore roll to see if they are lucky enough to earn some kind of "bonus success", such as an extra juicy rumor, a very well hidden piece of treasure, an extra loyal hireling, etc.  I use it in a variety of ways, sometimes not at all, so as to not create a game reliant on lore rolls, but I can call for them when the group stagnates.

House Rules for Labyrinth Lord- Mar-Milor Campaign 1.0

Character Generation

Roll stats in order, make 3 rolls @ 3d6, 3 rolls @ 4d6 drop the lowest, you choose.

Can point buy as per B/X rules

Can rearrange any/all stats and make a fighter only

Use Advanced HD as per pg. 27 

Max HP at 1st level, additional levels roll- take roll or ½ HD

Can roll for secondary skill on pg 27

No Age Adjustments, be any age you want, magical aging and in game aging will affect age

Party makeup-  each PC must fulfill 1 of the 7 major B/X archetypes before repeating a type (fighters excluded)

Fighter, Magic User, Thief, Cleric, Elf, Dwarf, Halfling reasonable replacements accepted

(Ranger instead of fighter, half-elf thief instead of elf, assassin instead of thief etc.)


At new level-  roll d6 per stat, on a 6, +1 to that stat (max 1 stat/level, can roll in any order)

If you fail to raise any stats, you can choose which stat to raise at the next level.

Process ends when the PC has either 1 18 or 2 16’s.

+50 xp for successful use of thief ability, successful spells, Diplomacy rolls, Lore rolls, hit rolls of 20,

finding secret doors, successful first try open doors rolls, (+100xp at 4th level and up). 

This pool of xp can be used as a “tip jar” to donate to a PC who may be a few xp short of leveling. 

Or it can be divided equally, party choice.


Magic items give xp-  1 use items 50xp/per, +1 items 1,000xp, +2 items 2,000xp etc

Read Magic can be cast 3+ your level times/ day

Essence Restoration-  Ritual, lasts 1 hour, requires a holy symbol and any other divine paraphernalia, altar,

collection plate (if giving donation).  Recipients must share at least 1 alignment word with the caster.  The ritual

restores xp equal to the casters level times 1,000.  Can add a donation of treasure/magic items to the ritual for an

equal increase in xp up to advancing the character 1 level only.  Can only be used once per person per level

draining event. 

Magic Items-  potions can be identified by sipping or successful Lore, scrolls with Read Magic
(will incur curse if cursed), other items by use (will incur curse if cursed) or Identify spell, successful Lore rolls,

Detect Magic, Read Magic may reveal some clues.


Thieves with a Dex of 13+ get +10% to all thief skills except climb walls

Hear Noise-  non-thief classes have 1 in 6 chance

Drawing items from Bag of Holding-  AD&D- 2 segments, B/X/ Lab Lord- 1 round

Turn Undead  

If the turn attempt is successful and more undead remain, the cleric may attempt to turn again.  If the attempt fails

no more turn attempts may be made against that group of undead for 1 hour.  Turning takes one full round, requires

a holy symbol,  and no movement may be made that turn except to approach the undead.  A cleric may make a final

turn attempt vs an undead they have already failed against if they enter melee range and attempt the turn.

Hear Noise mechanic can also be used to Spot, Search, Bluff, or Parley, see below

Skills d6 roll

Success on 1-2 1

Hear Noise (Dex) Thief other classes


Spot (Wis)         Fighter Monk other classes


Search (Int) M/U other classes


Bluff (Cha) Thief other classes success in combat =

         Ass. can backstab next round

Parley (Cha) Cleric other classes


+1 to the roll if- 13+ in related abil. score

If level 3+ (+2 if level 8+)

For good roleplay/plan/description

(Dwarf and Halfling race/class act as fighter, Elf race/class act as fighter and magic user)

Diplomacy Roll-  affect monster reactions 2d6 minus + Cha modifier, use B/X reactions chart, A Successful Lore and/or Parley roll

(can do both) prior to the Diplomacy grants an additional -1

Lore Roll-  for any Knowledge/Craft based skills related to your class.  Success can determine success/failure, or degree of

success  d6 roll

PCs level-  1-3 succeed on 1-2 4-6 succeed on 1-3 7+ succeed on 1-4

+1 to roll if 13+ in related ability score +1 to roll if good plan/roleplay/description

If bonuses make the roll 6 out of 6, on a roll of 6 50% chance of failure

Dex Based saves-  use Wands save, can add dex bonus if positive

Health and Rest

1st level-  At 0 hp= unconscious -1 = dead

2nd level- At 0 hp= unconscious -2 = dead etc.

At negative hp= lose 1 hp/ round until dead or stabilized

Successful Lore roll = 0 hp goes to 1 hp

Negative hp goes to 0 hp

Cure Wounds Spells on characters with negative hp- add new hp from 0

If you go to negative hp and survive- must rest 1 week ASAP

8 hours rest in dungeon= +1 hp

Full day rest in town or secure camp-  First day= +3 hp

  Second day= +2 hp

  Additional days= +1 hp


To hit roll of 20 = max damage

To hit roll of 1 = -1 to hit next round (all attacks)

Shooting into melee-  in a large room or outside you can spend 1 full round positioning to avoid shooting into melee penalties

Shooting into Melee   Major Cover Minor Cover

                                                                           -4 to hit -2 to hit    

You hit your ally if you miss by < or =   4           2

When not defined-  Stun= +4 to AC, ½ move, ½ attacks, no casting, lose initiative

Racial Weapons- can begin the game with, must be 2nd level to receive bonus

Dwarf War Axe/ Gnome Heavy Pick-  Dwarf/Gnome can use 1 handed, d8, 8lbs

Elvish Scimitar-  1 handed, d10, 4lbs

Halfling Master Sling-  1 handed, d6, 1lb

Half Orc Claymore-  2 handed sword, 2d6, 10lbs

Human Quick Load Light Crossbow-  as light crossbow but fires every round 

Donning/ Removing Armor  (Lab Lord / AD&D)

In rounds Don     Remove

Leather 6/1         3/5 (segments)

Chain 24/4          12/2

Banded 30/5 18/3

Plate 48/8         24/4

Henchmen Rules

1st henchman-  you get what you want, auto success.  The henchman is always 1 level below the PC, levels when

the PC levels.  Can roll to improve stats upon leveling as per character rules.  PC must equip the henchman,

henchman gets half share of treasure/magic.  0 Level henchmen are hp 4, all stats 10, save 1 of PC’s choice.  That

stat is 75% 14, 25% 16.  After your first henchman, attracting a new henchman requires advertising and searching. 

50% per week success, 75% success if PC has a good plan/ roleplay.  DM will provide henchman information at

their discretion. 

Lodging, Upkeep, Tavern Time- all costs per person

Upkeep: Regular costs of living for food, taxes, and so on. Applies regardless of tavern/inn visits.

Upkeep, Low Class (1 month) —         2 gp

Upkeep, Middle Class (1 month) — 20 gp

Upkeep, High Class (1 month) —         200 gp

Tavern Night: Spending a night drinking and gambling.

Tavern Night, poor —         1 sp

Tavern Night, common —         1 gp

Tavern Night, expensive —         10 gp

Tavern Night, extravagant — 100 gp

Banquet (for 10 people) —         500 gp

Lodging: A room in an inn for a night.

Lodging, Low Class (1 night) —          5 cp (2 weeks)- 7sp

Lodging, Middle Class (1 night) — 5 sp (2 weeks)- 7gp

Lodging, High Class (1 night) —         5 gp (2 weeks)- 70gp

Stabling, Horse (1 night) —         5 sp (2 weeks)- 7gp

Rental: Renting an apartment or house. Basic furniture included.

Rental, City, Low Class (1 month) — 1-2 gp

Rental, City, Middle Class (1 month) — 10-20 gp

Rental, City, High Class (1 month) — 100-200 gp


Occupation Daily Cost Monthly Cost* 

bearer/ porter         1 s.p. 1 gp

carpenter 3 s.p. 2 gp**

leather worker 2 s.p. 30 sp**

limner 10 s.p. 10 gp

linkboy         1 s.p. 1 gp

mason 4 s.p. 3 gp

pack handler 2 s.p. 30 sp

tailor 2 s.p. 30 sp**

teamster         5 s.p. 5 gp

valet/lackey 3 s.p. 50 sp

 *Monthly rate assumes that quarters are provided for the hireling, and that these quarters contain a bed and like


**Additional cost is 10% of the normal price of items fashioned by the hireling.

Bearer/Porter: These individuals are laborers who will carry whatever is directed. Each is able to carry up to 50 pounds individually, or double that with a carrying pole or litter or the like. 

Carpenter: This occupation assumes most woodworking jobs. A carpenter might be hired to secure a portal, fashion a chest, etc. 

Leather Worker: This occupation is principally concerned with the fabrication of leather goods such as backpacks, belts, straps, horse tack, etc. 

Limner: These individuals do all sign painting, drawing of heraldic devices, etc. 

Linkboy: A linkboy is a torch or lantern bearer. They are often youngsters. but mature men also will also serve. 

Mason: Any stonework must be done by a mason, and this occupation subsumes plasterers as well. 

Pack Handler: These individuals are trained at loading, handling, and unloading beasts of burden such as donkeys, mules, horses, etc. 

Tailor: This occupation makes and repairs clothing, bags, shield covers, etc. It also subsumes hatters. 

Teamster: Teamsters are basically drivers of carts and wagons. They will also load and unload their vehicles. They are expert animal handlers with respect to their particular specialty of draft

animal only, i.e. horses, mules, oxen, or whatever. 

Valet/Lackey: This occupation subsumes the various forms of body servants and messengers. 

Location Of Standard Hirelings: In general the various occupations represented here are common to most settlements of village-size and above, although each and every

village will not be likely to furnish each and every sort of common hireling. Towns and cities will have many available, and each sort will be found in the appropriate section or

quarter of the city (or town). 

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