Friday, August 5, 2022

Campaign Carnival After Action Report Scenario 3

This Scenario required the orcs to set up in the north all in column, and the Humans to set up in 2 groups-  1 all mostly foot set up in the south, and 1 all mostly cavalry set up in the east.  The cavalry unit must wait 1 turn before acting in the battle but can't be targeted by the orcs.   

After Action Report-  Scenario 3.2 Outflanked

Rules-  Chainmail 3rd Edition

Force Composition-

Baron Elizabeth’s Guard

4 Light Foot  4

8 Armor Foot 20

8 Archer         32

8 Heavy Foot 16 2 killed game 2,  4 wounded out game 3

8 Light Horse 24

8 Medium Horse 32

6 Heavy Horse 30  2 killed game 2,  2 wounded out game 3

Hero Magic Sword 30

Hero Bow 23 captured game 2

Wizard 50

        220 points (minus wounded)

Gnashers Redux (using normal troops points, not orcs)

10 Armor Foot     25

8 Archer             32

10 Heavy Foot     20

6 Medium Horse     30 2 wounded out game 3

Hero/Bow/Mag Arrow 33

Hero     20 captured game 1

6 Light Horse     18

6 Heavy Horse     30

6 Heavy Foot     12

Ogres     20

Wraiths             10

            220  (minus wounded)

I’m also going to swap out the giant for the rest of the campaign.  I’ll replace it with a unit of ogres, 2 units of heavy cav, and 2 units of lt cav.  (adjusted above)


Terrain-  as per the scenario map


Orcs-  all in column, Armor foot, hvy Cav, and hvy foot in front, cav, small infantry unit and the archers behind.  

Humans-  Armor foot in front of defensive force, med cav and hero in front of flanking force.

Turn 1- after movement

Humans get initiative, have orcs move first.  All the front columns advance, and the 2 cavs in the rear go from column to line.  Humans respond by having the 2 small units flank out, armor foot charges the hvy cav, but before that the archers fire indirect, taking out 3 hvy cav.  The wizard drops a fireball right on the wraiths, ogres, and 4hvy foot, taking them out.  

Turn 1 After melee-

The human armor foot only had 2 dice hitting on 6, vs the hvy cav 4 dice hitting on 5, but humans rolled box cars and the remaining hvy horse surrendered to failed morale.  Incredibly lucky for the humans.  

End of Turn 1-  Humans 3Vp, Orcs 0

Turn 2- Movement

Orcs won initiative and elected to move first.  The hero and armor foot and the unit of hvy foot both charged the human armor foot.  Orc archers went to line, lt cav and hvy foot in the rear pivoted east.  Med cav pivoted west.  Human Archers were out of range of anything not in combat, so pivoted and moved forward.  Wizard moved forward and dropped a fireball on med cav and the archers, taking out 4 med cav and 2 archers.  The Human  cav all moved west, lt cav going north around the trees, hvy and med cav going south.  

Turn 2 melee-  the human armor foot got double charged by the orc armor foot with hero and hvy foot, but they were in line.  The hero and armor foot killed 2 armor foot, and the other combat resulted in 1 casualty for each side.  This caused the humans to lose morale and rout, bumping into the wizard causing him to rout and move back.  The orc hvy foot lost morale but only moved back in good order.  

End of Turn 2  Humans 3, Orcs 0

Turn 3-  Movement

Humans win initiative and go first.  With the wizard and armor foot routed, the archers move forward to absorb a charge from the orc armor foot.  The small unit of hvy foot pivots to harass the small unit of orc hvy foot.  Before getting charged the archers fire at the orc hvy foot and kill 3.  The lt foot pivots back towards the orc armor foot, and the human cav continues west, the lt cav getting in a charge against the orc lt cav.  The movement of the human hvy cav is slowed due to pivoting.  The hero and med cav get closer but unable to charge.  The orcs respond by the hvy foot in the north also charge the lt cav, and the armor foot goes into the human archers.  The small unit of human hvy foot are double charged by the orc hvy foot and med cav.  

Turn 3-  Melee

The human lt cav vs orc lt cav result in no casualties, continue melee, and the combat with the hvy foot yields 1 casualty on each side, also continue melee.  The orc hero and armor foot do 5 wounds to the archers slaying them.  The human hvy foot resists the charge of the orc hvy foot, but the med cav takes them out.  The lone base of orc hvy foot saves morale.  The humans manage to keep the wizard and armor foot from getting charged, so they will rally next round.

End of Turn 3  Humans 3, Orcs 2

Turn 4-  Movement

Humans get initiative and go first.  The newly restored armor foot does an about face, the wizard backs up and prepares to drop a fireball.  The lt foot charge the flank of the orc armor foot, the med cav charges the flank of the armor foot, and the hvy cav pivot and get ready to charge next turn.  The wizard drops the fireball at the rear of the armor cav near the orc archers, killing 2 bases of armor foot and 4 bases of archers.  Orcs respond by charging the newly turned around armor foot with the 2 small units on the left.  The orc hvy foot wraps the flank of the human lt cav, and the orc archers do a wound to the lt foot.

Turn 4-  Melee

In the combat with the human armor foot they lose 3 units, are pushed back in good order but hold morale due to casualties.  The orc armor foot repels lt foot making them retreat, but the med cav hits hard into their flank and causes them to lose 3 bases and surrender, capturing the orc hero, they still failed morale even with the hero morale bonus.  The lt cav don’t manage to inflict any wounds, but the hvy foot into their flank do, they lose 3 and are pushed back in good order.  Everyone but the human cav and the wizard are about to be fatigued, and there are no units in melee, so it might be wise for the whole board to rest and reset, but the orc med cav are in charge range of the wizard, so next turn initiative is crucial.


End of Turn 4-  Humans 5, Orcs 2

Turn 5-  Movement

Turn 5 Orcs won initiative and elected to go first, resting all units except the med cav which charges the wizard.  The orc archers fire on the lt foot, killing 2.  The rest of the orcs rest and reset on fatigue.  Human cav decides to strike because they are one turn away from fatigue.  The hvy cav charges the orc hvy foot, and the lt cav charges the orc lt cav.  The hero and med cav charge the orc hvy foot, as it is the only target in range.  

Turn 5 Melee-

The med cav charges the wizard but fatigued so it attacks as lt cav.  They can only do 1 wound so the wizard lives but is pushed back in good order.  The hvy cav wipes out the orc hvy foot, and the lt cav does a wound to the orc lt cav but they stay in melee.  At this point, with the med cav unable to take on the wizard, the battle is essentially over.  The humans will graciously allow the remaining orcs to retreat off the field and claim victory.

In-Game Events-  I forgot to add fatigue points in the first few rounds of the game, so fatigue may have affected the game differently, but I decided to just keep that omission throughout the game to keep it fair.  There were a few more mistakes here and there, but I’m learning every game.  

Final Score-  Humans 7, Orcs 2

Duration-  5 turns, probably an hour of setup and 3-4 hours of gameplay, played over 3 sessions.

Conclusion-  Humans have a pretty solid victory, but orcs had several opportunities to strike hard.  It was definitely a challenge to try to get the whole orc army out of column formation efficiently.  The wizard’s fireball continues to be very powerful, the wraiths did get a roll to resist but failed, the ogres do not seem to get a roll to resist spells.  Now that I realize the power and range of wizard spells I’ll keep them further apart so they can’t be targeted together.  This scenario felt balanced, the orcs had to deal with coming out of column, and the humans had a split force.  Things probably would have gone differently if either the wraiths or ogres had gotten into combat.  

Status of Casualties-   Orc Killed-  4 units armor foot, 4 hvy foot, 2 units med cav, 2 units hvy cav  Orcs Injured-  2 armor foot, 6 hvy foot, 2 med cav, 2 hvy cav, 1 orc hero captured.

Humans Killed-  2 armor foot, 4 archers    Injured-  4 archers, 2 hvy foot


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