Friday, February 17, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- Session 33

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  33 Session Date-  2/15/23 Time Passed-  3 days 2/20-2/22

Roll Call-   Boneripper- Half Orc Fighter 6

Zellmax- Gnome Thief 6

Hellenna-  Human Druid 7

Thanquil- Elf Magic User 6

20 Heavy Foot Men at Arms

5 Short Bow Archers

Adventure Log-  The party departs from the tower and dungeon location back to Fort Turjmir.  Descending the forested hill, they pull back at the sound of troops, Helenna quickly shutters her lantern in the early darkness.  Peering down the hill about 100’ downslope they spy about 160 Hobgoblins, marching in loose formation.  They quietly find cover and wait for the group to pass, and note their direction heading to the southwest.  After scouting ahead to be sure of their passage they continue on.  They travel uneventfully right up until a few miles from the fort, where they catch up to a group of about 50 LG pilgrims, likely headed to Lancebrass.  They arrive at Fort Turjmir, and promptly report the sighting of the hobgoblins to Pelador, and check in with Chance to let him know also.  Pelador responds with reports from the road to the north, monster sign has been spotted by the caravan and to be wary of ambushes in the area.  The party considers their options, thinking that perhaps focusing on the dungeon tower location, should it be able to be cleared out it could serve as a base of operations, and with the fort for a lookout and the secret doors of the dungeons entrance corridor it would be easy to defend.  Seeing how they have considerable treasure they decide to look for men at arms to assist in clearing out the dungeon.  They are able to hire 5 short bow archers rather easily, and then they are able to find a unit of 20 heavy foot looking to hire on, should they be all equipped and paid for a month.  They are fortunate to be able to clear out the armorer who happened to have 20 suits of chain available, and he was happy to get the coin for them.  They arm them with spears, hatchets, helmets, and large shields, and pay each a month's pay.  With fresh troops, and Boneripper as their designated sergeant they return to Zelligar’s dungeon in the morning.  Travel the first day is without encounter, and the evening watch is set.  That night, just before dawn, during the watch of Zellmax and 3 footmen, a stealthy large shape leaps out of the darkness at the group of guards, slashing one and nearly killing him.  Zellmax and the guards begin yelling for the party to awaken, and Boneripper springs up bare chested with shield and sword.  The guards' spears strike true to the shadowy form, but seem to do no puncture wounds and the creature takes no notice.  Immune to normal weapons, it’s some kind of magic creature.  Zellmax tries to hide in shadows to get off a backstab, and Helenna begins casting faerie fire to help reveal the creature, while Thanquil casts a magic missile.  The light reveals a weretiger attacking the party, and it is eventually slain after more attacks from Bonerippers magic sword, another magic missile and Helenna’s Shillelagh, but not before slaying the wounded footman, and doing several serious wounds to Boneripper.  In death the creature returns to its uncursed form, a human woman.  He returns to his bedding after some healing to rest, and early that morning Helenna casts speak with animal to talk to local fauna about where this weretiger lays its head.  A sparrow catches her attention and leads her to a hollow of matted grass where the creature must have been bedding down.  They find a pile of cobbles, and disturb it to find a small hole with the creature's modest treasure, 11 gems in a pouch. They regroup, break camp and travel hard all day, making the tower that night 2/22.

Session Notes-  So we decided to move forward one more week with this group of PCs despite the fact that they are still ahead in 1:1 time.  One of our players is busy this month, so we can’t move forward with the main PCs as they are trying to finish their final module of the campaign.  This group isn’t too receptive to rolling up 1st level characters when their mains are not available due to time issues.  That’s just how they like to play, so we decided that since the last session's trip back from the dungeon to the fort was done hastily, and that is still ahead in time, we would start the session at the beginning of the return trip and roll out for random encounters.  We also sort of clarified that tonite’s session needs to not move the clock forward a lot, and that worked out because their only intention was to travel back and forth from the dungeon to the fort and back.  Since they were staying local and also the fact that there aren’t any other PCs currently on the map, and there aren’t any big patron plans that could affect time.  I explained that as things got more complicated on the map with multiple PCs and patrons doing actions we will have to respect 1:1 time more strictly.  Also we looked at what day we were on and realized that if we moved forward 3 days this session, then the next time we played the calendar would match up real time to game time. It's still early days managing this 1:1 time, and it has been fun keeping that all in mind as we track time from session to session.  There will be new PCs getting zapped into Nappendixia very soon. (actually we’ve already played the session, they just don’t actually arrive in 1:1 time until today, 2/17)  but with more groups on the map, there should be more rumors and news generated which will travel around and inform the different groups.  

Treasure and XP-  Session 33- Weretiger 797 xp, 5500gp in gems= 6297/ 4 PCs = 1575 xp each add % bonus if applicable.

Graveyard-   Larry the Caveman-  died from orc crossbow bolts in the Slavers Hideout. #29

        Captain Caveman-  died in combat with an Aspis Drone in the Slavers Hideout #30

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