Friday, June 2, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- Session 46

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  46 Session Date-  5/31/23 Time Passed-  5 Days (5/31-6/4)

Roll Call-  Harry- T2

Bart- F2

2 Lt Foot

Godhard- C2

Waiofar- M2

Sgt. and 2 Lt Foot

Adventure Log-  The session begins in Lancebrass and the party is resupplying and resting.  Waiofar finds a few 1st level arcane scrolls for sale at the scribe’s shop, and learns the spell Identify.  They check their items and find they have a Javelin +1 and the following potions- climbing, levitation, speed, etherealness x2, animal control, persuasiveness, plant control, healing, frost giant strength, heroism, and invulnerability, and they have the magic displacer stink bomb belt pouch.  A newly trained Godhard suggests a second attempt at the magic shrine to the north, and  the party agrees to set out on the 2 day journey.  At dusk on the first day, they are circled overhead by a pair of winged creatures, they get larger as they approach. Fearful of another griffon attack they hold, not making any big movements.  The creatures have hoofed rear bodies and faces and forepaws of eagles.  They notice the party but are not interested or unsure of challenging the large group.  The next day they come upon a hollow cave like depression, and investigate but don’t enter, marking it on the map should they find it on the way back.  As they shine lanterns into the cave, several cobras emerge from their holes in the cracked earth and hiss at the intruders.  The party backs away from the threat of poison.  They travel north to the shrine location.  As they approach the tree cover thickens, and they hear voices and horses around the next bend in the trail.  Harry sneaks forward to investigate and spies a group of about 15 mounted humans dressed in hand woven wools and furs, they appear to be hearty nomadic peoples.  As Harry is spying, several regard him and hail him, he emerges from his hiding spot and hails them back.  At the same time, from the rear of the party emerge 2 more of these people stealthing on foot covering the party with impressive looking bows.  Everyone indicates parley, and weapons are sheathed, and they realize these humans speak a dialect of common, but it's not entirely understandable.  They manage to mostly understand each other, and the Cleric of the group speaks with Godhard and confirms that they too are here seeking the magic fountain, they warn the party of a group of lizardmen up ahead at the entrance to the shrine.  They call themselves the Kazarians and they claim to be nomadic wanderers of the high steppes to the east.  They agree to ally themselves, and 5 of the nomads best warriors step forth to aid the party in fighting the lizardmen.  They gain initiative and Waiofar’s sleep spell drops 2 immediately. The rest of the party charges in and strikes, the lizardmen are taken out without much response.  The 2 sleeping bodies are bound.  The party then moves forward as they have a plan to deal with the spider.  Harry deftfully sneaks forward and coats the floor of the first room of the shrine in oil.  Then Bart and one of the warriors throw the bound lizardmen into the room right where the spider would spring its trap.  The spider leaps out and begins feasting on a body, only to have a torch hurled onto the oil puddle, igniting the spider and burning it beyond recognition.  After the oil goes out the second room is searched and the fountain is discovered, along with treasure from the dessicated bodies of the spider's prey. They find nearly 2000gp in gems, gold, and a little platinum, then turn to the fountain.  Godhard goes first, calming himself and centering on his deity.  He hears a divine voice telling him he has been true and his quest is complete, he will have the choice as to whether the fountain boosts his wisdom or charisma.  He chooses wisdom, and the rest of the party moves in to drink, each randomly gaining a point of wisdom or charisma.  Afterwards, the Kazarian cleric and leadership enter to drink, and each is benefited.  The 2 groups camp and rest outside the shrine, and are not bothered throughout the night.  They show the party a large sack of gold coins, about 600, they found in the lizardman lair in the woods, and the party shows their treasure, they agree to each keep what they found.  Harry gives the leader his potion of animal control, and they are thankful, it could be useful in a wilderness encounter.  In turn, they give Harry a composite short bow and teach him how to use it and some techniques to practice to gain proficiency with the weapon.  They part ways in the morning, as allies, they say they can be found in the high steppes to the east.  They head south back to Lancebrass, and along the way encounter a strange sight, what they believe to be merchants, but curious ones at that.  They are garbed in a strange armor of studded leather and metal plates riveted together into arrangements of shoulder pads, breast plates, and greaves, and have mohawk haircuts greased up tall and some dyed bright colors.  They call themselves Bartertowners, after the city distant to the east beyond the Sind Desert.  The traders are affable and happy to meet some travelers, they claim they are lost and looking for a city called Lancebrass.  The party is happy to assist in finding it, and again a quick alliance is formed.  They show the party their strange wares, they are hoping will be profitable in Lancebrass.  They have their strange marauder armor, wrist mounted light crossbows, and polarized goggles that aid in spotting and avoiding getting lost.  They have other wares, and give the party one each of the items, saying they could train people in the use of the wrist crossbows.  They are eager to ask about the lands to the east, Bartertown, and the rumor of the nearby mountain/ megadungeon, and several other rumors they have heard.  Much sharing of information occurs, and Harry uses his charisma to do some marketing and sales for the merchants.  They also discuss traveling across the desert with the caravan and making Bartertown their new base of operations.  

Session Notes-  These weekly sessions are going to keep some of these session reports brief.  They can take a bit of time, but are super important to giving depth to the campaign, and giving others an insight into 1:1 style play.  The campaign continues to flow nicely, we’re about to have some more direct patron/player interaction, and the party is getting ready to see a new part of the map.  I will be doing some kind of formal new map reveal soon, just need to work out the details.  I’m continuing to feel more confident about playing “unprepped”.  I pre-rolled the nomads at the shrine anticipating that was likely where the party was headed, but everything else was random rolls emergent play.  I’m getting faster at putting all that together in real time, the rolling plus the on the fly creative aspect, interpreting the dice if you will. The players continue to be interested in the stuff that comes up, so it just kind of flows.  Now that they are getting past 1st level and into 3rd, things are a little less lethal, and they are more aware of running away or avoiding fights, assessing their worth in the big picture.  They could have attacked the cobras, delved that little cave, attacked the Kazarians, but instead they did all those things without combat, and still got the big payout from the spider’s lair.   

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 7 Lizardmen 366xp, Huge Spider 175xp, Treasure- 13cp, 4pp (20xp), 2 500gp gem, 2 100gp gem, 500gp (1700xp) Shrine Quest 500xp= 2761xp / 4PCs = 690xp each. add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard-  Rollo Tomassi-  consumed by a Bag of Devouring in Zelligar’s dungeon  #38

Ragenard- brought to Death’s Door by a stirge attack in Zelligar’s dungeon #39 (1 week bed rest)

Caolite- brought to Death’s Door by kobolds in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week bedrest)

Bart-  brought to Death’s Door by Firetoad breath in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week


Ragenard-  killed by Griffons exploring the plains west of Fort Turjmir #42

Vlana-  killed by Troglodytes in the 2nd level of Zelligar’s dungeon #43

Stigr’s 4 Lt. Foot- killed by Zombies on the plains of Lancebrass #45

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