Thursday, July 6, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 50!

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  50 Session Date-  7/5/23

Time Passed-  1 day, 7/5  Harry and Bart training 7/6-7/12.

Roll Call- Harry- T3

Mook- T1

Kvam- MU1

Godhard- C4

Bart- F3

Tomas- F3

Waiofar- MU2

Adventure Log-  The session begins in real time at 8:15pm on 7/23.  The celebrations of Bartertown Independence Day are in full swing, and the party is aware of several events happening in town.  The Rat tavern is hosting an afternoon/ early evening of music. The Esplanade by the reservoir in the common area is having traditional music, vendors, food and drink, and a ceremony honoring the history and future of Bartertown.  Thunderdome is open all day for light hearted non-lethal no grudge combats, and the first Blood Bowl match is happening at the pitch Master recently built.  The party also hears the frequent announcement that all alcohol consumption is to end at 9pm, citing some rowdiness that apparently happened 2 years ago.  With 45 minutes left they rush to procure ample drinks to last them the night, hopeful they will not be caught by the city watch.  This is how their night proceeded.

- The Rat show:  They watch some of the first 2 bands, Peter Wolf’s band is second, he charms the crowd with banter.  The last group is aggressive party punk from Gang Green, the crowd is warned not to get too rowdy.  Took notices the band seems to speak thieves cant to their roadies, this Gang Green crew seems to be thieves.  Slam dancing and showers of beer last for the minutes leading right up to 9pm when the set ends.  The party finds a flier/scroll advertising an after hours late night punk show featuring the group Blood for Blood.  

- Thunderdome:  Bart enters the Thunderdome and the crew bets on him, he faces a higher level but clumsy opponent.  The opponent is unable to reach a weapon, but pummels Bart’s face before getting grappled and slammed out cold.  The party makes 2.3 times their money.

- Vendors:  Special holiday vendors are selling Bartertown flags, small fireworks, beer, hot dogs, popcorn, peanuts, and cracker jacks.  The party partakes of the cracker jacks and buys some fireworks.  They bump into the city watch- 10 troops and a Lt in marauder armor and clubs and wrist bows on the way to the Esplanade.

- Esplanade:  The party enjoys the orchestral music and hears about the history of Bartertown, how Auntie and a group of bandits were persecuted west, away from the police state of Hartford.  They were hunted by the Hartford troops, and settled the hot badlands out of desperation.  They banded together with Master and Papa, forming a loose alliance and took to building defenses and amenities and procuring potable water. They celebrate the founding date with fireworks.  Later, Gyro Captain returns on his flying carpet with the Lt. Castellan of Hartford.  It is announced that a Hartford summit is beginning to improve relations.  The Lt Castellan will stay in Bartertown for several weeks doing diplomatic meetings, then a group will head back to Hartford for several more weeks of summit meetings.  The people cheer.

- Brakhage:  The old runecaster visits the party, telling them tales of another group of outsider adventurers who visited a few months ago.  They claimed to be from a place called the Red Frontier, and were very interested in the dungeon caverns in the mountain to the west.  Brakhage had a vision, and had carved a rune for the party, but they disappeared before he could give it to them.  It is a carving of 7 layers with something in or beneath the 7th layer, he provides them with an accompanying interpretive poem- 

Strangers with a Gate

Seek to Pierce a Rock

Ape Men/ Little Men

Constant Fighting

Feathered Folk

Below Yet Above

Will Show the Way

Find the Nexus

And Step Through

- Blood Bowl:  The hill giants soundly trounce the ogres 4-1.  They did get lucky at the very beginning with a hail mary play which may have unnerved the ogres.  Nonetheless, the game was exciting and the giants were appreciative to have an opposing team to bash around.  The crowd was receptive to everything except the hill giant cheerleaders.  The party noticed the less wild behavior of both the giants and the ogres, but also noticed they never left the pitch and interacted in the city.

- Kord parade:  heading towards the underground punk show, the party comes across a holiday parade from the Kord clerics.  They are dressed in their strongman attire and are pulling a large 18 wheeler cab.  They pause in the town square and begin unloading some equipment and doing feats of strength, encouraging the crowd to attempt feats also.  Bart runs back to his room to get his maceballs and joins in with the demos.  He then attempts one of their more difficult feats of strength, carrying a massive truck tire 20 paces.  He grips it, and is just barely able to succeed.  The clerics are ecstatic, and Bart is welcomed into the temple as a training cleric of Kord.  

- Underground Punk Show/ Hooligans:  just outside the door of the underground show, the level of violent slam dancing is very high.  A group of 5 hooligans armed with clubs and shields and a leader with a spear block the way itching for a fight.  The party is happy to oblige.  They make short work of them, with a volley of spells from Waiofar, Kvam, and Godhard taking out the majority while the leader was grappled and smacked around until he gave up his and his allies' coin purses.  A good little trove was taken, and they let them go, held, blinded, and sleepy.

Session Notes-  I have been interested lately in figuring out how to do city encounters, getting some kind of system or template that can be used to run a city session smoothly, and have it feel dynamic and action packed like a dungeon or wilderness session.  I’ll go behind the screen a bit here and show you my notes from the session, how I set up prep notes, and how i ran the 

events in session.

Across the top I wrote the 4 known events I would be presenting, plus I pre-rolled a few encounters off the city night encounters table dmg.  On the left side I developed my special random encounters table for the holiday (you could make one keyed to each city in your game), then rolled/ interjected encounters as I saw fit to keep things moving.  The blank space on the right is where I developed the encounter ideas more- the Kord feat rules, I have the hooligan and gang green stats on another sheet, etc.  

On the night of the session I made a mind map of all the events in circles on a paper.


As the party visited a circle on the mind map, I crossed it out.  At the end of the session I numbered the events in the order the party did them.  Then when I wrote the session report I connected the events with arrows to make it easy to follow the narrative for the report.  At the bottom you see my score keeping from the blood bowl match.

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 5 Hooligans F1-4 363xp, Treasure- 160gp, 3 gems totaling 1550gp= 1710gp/xp, rumors/feats- Hartford/prison colony, Gang Green/thieves guild, blood bowl/hill giants/mesa/ogres, megadungeon runes/nexus, Thunderdome/Kord feats, Papa caravan= 2800xp= 4873xp total/ 7 PCs= 696xp each, Plus 100xp Holiday bonus each! = 796xp add % bonus if applicable.

Graveyard-  Rollo Tomassi-  consumed by a Bag of Devouring in Zelligar’s dungeon  #38

Ragenard- brought to Death’s Door by a stirge attack in Zelligar’s dungeon #39 (1 week bed rest)

Caolite- brought to Death’s Door by kobolds in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week bedrest)

Bart-  brought to Death’s Door by Firetoad breath in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week


Ragenard-  killed by Griffons exploring the plains west of Fort Turjmir #42

Vlana-  killed by Troglodytes in the 2nd level of Zelligar’s dungeon #43

Stigr’s 4 Lt. Foot- killed by Zombies on the plains of Lancebrass #45

Godhard’s 2 Med Cav- killed by Firenewt’s mounted on Giant Striders #47

Stig- brought to Death’s Door by Orc raiders at the walls of Bartertown #48 (1 week     bedrest)

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