Saturday, October 26, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 96

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  96 Session Date-  10/25/24

Time Passed-  7 days (25th-30th, rest the 31st)

Roll Call-  Finnigan- T7

Rust- D6

Godhard- C7

2x P3 hench

Stigr- F6

Lucky- F3 hench

Pinstripe- F5

Arthur- M/U5

Elaine- F4 hench

Marathon- R1

Adventure Log-  The party arms up with their force from Bartertown to track down the slime cultists forward force and eliminate it.  They muster a force of 60 pikemen, 40 lt foot, 20 h foot, 40 crossbowmen, 20 shortbowmen, 20 lt cav, and 20 med cav and they load the party into the Bronco.  They track down the cultists on the 25th, and decide to mount a night raid and lightning bolt them while they camp with a stealth attack from the Bronco.  After thinking things through, they spend the day preparing some diffuse lighting sources to the front of the Bronco so it can be driven at night without its headlights on, thus reducing any potential accidents from driving blind.  They manage to prepare everything on the 26th and that night they cast silence and drive the vehicle into the cultist encampment and Arthur lightning bolt’s it and the Bronco peels away while Rust manages to get some recent precipitation to engage his call lightning spell and also pepper the cultists with bolts.  A number are taken down and it takes many call lightning strikes to get them to rally and back away from the hidden druid casting down lightning.  The next dayThe party tracks down the cultist force, nearly 200 cavalry to a depression in the badlands where the recent rains have made some ponding and a scrubby forest fans out on the party’s right flank.  Beyond that the two armies spy each other and begin positioning for battle.  Rust casts a hallucinatory forest sort of extending the amount of terrain on the party’s right, thus forcing the cultist cavalry to reposition and focus their attack around the false flora.  The party centers their force around the wide block of pikemen who set spears against a cavalry charge, supported by the light cav and archers.  The heavy cav are loaded into the trailer on the Bronco and the party charges forward to engage the cultist largest block of med cav.  They crash into them with the cattlechaser front end, but neglected to do anything about the windshield so 3 cav are taken out, but their bodies hurl inside the Bronco cab doing massive blunt force damage to the passengers inside, the first Nappendixian car accident just occurred.  The other party manages to whittle down that med cav and they rout, and the h foot deploy to aid the pikemen, who lose 40 of their number to a multi unit cav charge on their front, many on both sides perish, but other than the initial loss of the pikemen blocks, the party and their army manages to rout the entire cultist cavalry, save a unit of light can that escapes back towards the cultist domain.  Arthur and several others chase them down in the Bronco, but when they do engage them, the cultists manage to win initiative and get off a rather powerful spell- Flame strike, on the Bronco before Arthur can drive it in a bootlegger reverse.  Several in the party are killed including Arthur, and Lucky, and Marathon.  The Bronco as well is badly damaged as luckily the cultists seem not to pursue them.  The army rests and manages to recover the gear and horses for 40 cavalry, but no treasure is found, save a magic javelin thrown into the Bronco by the med cav leader.  They return to Bartertown thinking that maybe delving into the netherworld the experienced at Chateau Amber may be a way to get back their fallen comrades.  Nonetheless, they feel after routing the first force of slime cultist army, but wary of their high level spellcasters, they feel they can get the first few months of railroad construction without any interference from the cultists.  However they will still need to be dealt with as the construction nears the cultists' temple.  

Session Notes-  So we did it as a mass combat using 20:1 Ad&d combat rules, real simple.  I used my 2mm ancients minis and a document cam, most players were able to see the images, but we still kept it rather theater of the mind and basic, I just laid out 2 terrain pieces, but there was still room for tactics, they used the illusory terrain well and overall the battle took a good hour plus the pre battle sneak attack. In summation a good time was had by all.  

Treasure and XP-  500xp for each survivor participating in the 1st Slime Cultist Battle.  Henchmen get 75xp.  Plus the gear recovered from the routed cavalry and the magic javelin.

Graveyard-  Lucky, Marathon, and Arthur- incinerated by a Falmestrike on the Bronco at the 1st Slime Cultist Battle.  (session 96)

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 95

Nappendixia Campaign Session Report Chapter 8

Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  95 Session Date-  10/18/24

Time Passed- 4 days (10/18-20, rest 21st)

Roll Call-  Godhard- C7

2x P3 hench

Kenny- M/U6

Boyo- C5

Mayfly- M/U2 hench

Finnigan- T7

Rust- D6

Adventure Log-  During the downtime the party did some intel on the Slime cultists to the southeast.  They left the alliance with Papa at the end of the siege of his fortress as such-  Papa will use hsi vehicle and the wooden juggernaut and his scant remaining troops and will defend the far region of the railroad construction route.  (The party has recently decided to extend the short railroad that leads from Bartertown the the nearest Cubic Gate all the way to the location of Papas fort and the dismantled oil digging rig.  Only Papa knows how to reassemble the rig and the party wants to connect Bartertown to the source of gas out at Papa's ruined locale.  However, that route leads directly through The slime cultist's town and temple location.)  Godhard does 2 divinations on the areas, but gets very odd results and does not think the divinations worked correctly.  Kenny does several clairvoyances on the locations and observes the town and temple a few times, and does notice a large force of about 100 that would intercept any work crews that moved forward to construct the railroad.  They Decide to get the work crews ready to begin construction moving forward SE from Bartertown, and they decide to take the newly fully assembled Ford Bronco, fitted with an iron cowcatcher on the front to drive out the route and back and flush out any random encounters the workers may come across, they also thought they may get to spy on the cultist army in anticipation of engaging them next week.  With all of that worked out, Godhard proclaims that he can easily rout out the wights they found at the old hidden barrow a few weeks back, and they head out to the nearby location.  They wait on the nighttime feeding when 3 wights emerge to feast on a forest animal, but Godhard’s divine might churns them to unholy dust.  Surprised, they find no other wights inside the barrow, this coven consisted of only 3.  Their treasure was ample however and rather ancient.  The following day they head out the clear the work route.  Again at night they encounter some strange creatures-  glowing orbs of light darting around the twisted and half buried frames of old cars, the strange vehicles sticking up out of some kind of mud floodplain.  They engage it quite smartly- with protection from evil, and magic missiles, and mass missile fire proves mildly effective.  The party wittles down one of the wisps and the other surrenders of sorts, it leads them over to one of the vehicles and indicates towards its trunk. Finnigan uses his newly acquired power of ESP to talk to the wisp.  It offers to show them a strange place beneath this vehicle, and tells them that the wasps have been following some of their endeavors.  And they are aware of the railroad and would like to be left alone and kept off the side of the rails as a sort of weird attraction, a haunted locale of sorts.  The wisp offers up half of its treasure and access to this strange underground space.  The party agrees and descends through the vehicles trunk into a dirt passage that elbows off into an old train caboose, fitted out as a hidden rest area/living space.  The party found some strange technology that they saw of in the strange sci fi books they had found in the past.  They find a record player, VCR, speakers, and tuner and receiver.  They also are able to interface some of the technology from the destroyed but recovered android and realized it is a more futuristic version of the technology they have been finding littered around Nappensixia.  They find some records and VCR tapes they think they can learn from.  They take all of this and secure a camp a bit away from the wisps location.  The next day they look for the cultist army but see nothing and vow to return next week with a larger army, constructing a larger trailer that the Bronco can tow, and support from cavalry.  But in the meantime they have to rest and return to Bartertown.  The following day, on the way back they encounter a newly constructed Bugbear hovel, but quickly route it out with a fireball and an unsuccessful sneak attack from the forward group of bugbears.  Their treasure hoard is quite stout and it is recovered.  The party returns to Bartertown laden with several treasure scores.  

Session Notes-  I applauded the players this session, they are each doing things that drive the game now and the sessions are really just about me resolving any things they needed help resolving, or things they wanted resolved cooperatively, and then they tend to have a conversation of continuing/upcoming downtime plans, and also what type of adventuring goal they had for that evening.  I just respond to their interests and use the robust DMG to pretty much have an answer for everything.  It was another good xp haul for eh players, they are getting more savvy at tracking down treasure sources.  Also the Cleric is getting close to 8th which is when he attracts followers, so that will be another thing that will naturally generate play options. With this campaign approaching 100 sessions, and beginning chapter 8, I’m feeling like this should build to some thrilling climax on session 100, we shall see.

Treasure and XP-  Monsters-  3 Wights 2100xp, Will-o-Wisp 1632xp, 24 Bugbear 4392xp.  Treasure-  8000cp, Military Pick +1, 1900ep, 2000sp, 1000ep, 20 gems 6500gp/xp, 8000cp, 2000sp, 3000gp, 4 jewelry, stereo and VCR= 36,684xp/5 PCs = 7337xp each, henchmen get 1100each, add % bonus if applicable.


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