Saturday, January 25, 2025

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 99

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #- 99 Session Date- 1/17/25

Time Passed-  4 days (1/17-19, rest the 20th)

Roll Call-  Godhard- C7

2x Pal hench

Stigr- F6

Rust- D6

Finnigan- T7

Kenny- M/U7

Boyo- C6

Pinstripe- F5 hench

10x Longbowmen

10x Hobilar

Adventure Log-  After a successful downtime emergency recovery of the destruction from Nelson’s breath attack the Iron company responds heroically and is able to save many people, heal and feed them, and construct some kind of temporary wall in the destroyed area.  They know they have to do something about the dragon before it attacks again.  Kenny does some successful clairvoyance spells on the area, revealing 2 access points to the dragon’s lair, a front facade with stone columns sticking out of the earth at the top of the hill.  This entry was guarded by trolls.  He spied a higher location, a dome structure partially protruding from the hilltop with a large cracked hole in it, clearly large enough for a dragon to fly through.  At the base of the hill he saw the small farmhouse and field that was described to them a few weeks ago by Toadie and Dr. Dealgood, who have subsequently left with a team on an exploration.  Nonetheless, the Iron Co.  assembles some men and mounts up for the day-long journey to Nelson’s lair.  They arrive that evening and approach the farmhouse in force but with diplomacy in mind, hoping to use the size of their force as a bargaining chip.  A beautiful woman and several men who appear as farmers emerge and the party is successful in negotiating a very dangerous truce with a succubus and 2 jackalweres.  Despite their evil, the party extracts the fact that the succubus hates Nelson and wishes to remove him from the area.  She agrees to provide them with 2 assistants.  2 of the farmers step forward and their bodies morph into dopplegangers.  She tells the party of a third access point in the woods on the hilltop and that it is guarded by some evil adventurers- a mage and 2 fighters.  The party cleverly decides to make their way to the entrance point and use the doppelgangers to imitate the 2 jackalweres and have them bring the party pretending to be captured prisoners the jackalweres are bringing as tribute to Nelson.  They are successful entering Nelson's lair disguised as prisoners and soon stopped by 2 fighters, 1 of them is enlarged and looming over the party.  A mage stands 20 feet behind them and questions the masquerading dopplegangers, who are able to convince him to let them pass on to Nelson.  As the rear of the party continues to descend into the lair, Finnigan backstabs one of the fighters and the rest of the party charges.  A battle ensues but the party eventually overcomes the guards as well as a hidden assassin who does some damage to the party but is eventually forced to retreat, alerting Nelson of intruders.  The party rushes after him, and within a few short turns of corridors find themselves face to face with Nelson the Dragon alert and alarmed at the presence of the party.  They fearlessly charge the dragon and his little gross quasit minion, and in the first round Nelson reaches out and bites Jorel the paladin in two.  The rest of the party manages to do quite a bit of damage to the overconfident dragon, and when it rears back to breath fire on them, the flame is extraordinarily weak, barely singing any of them.  Knowing his doom is imminent, he can do nothing but wait for the final round of combat to snuff him out.  They party rejoices as Godhard uses the last charge in his staff of resurrection to return Jorel to life as the counting and sorting of the massive treasure begins.  Thus ends Chapter 8 and the first era of the Nappendixia Campaign.  More to come.

Session Notes-  I normally write the adventure log first, this time I’m doing the DM notes first.  These session reports have been essential for keeping the campaign energy going, allowing absent players to stay abreast, and stirring up general interest from the public.  My blog has begun to get some pretty steady traffic.  These reports are definitely read regularly by a core of probably 20-50 people.  I share the reports on Twitter and a few friends there will give me reposts, so for not much effort, it’s pretty cool that there’s a small group of people who enjoy following the events of the game sessions, the story that unfolds, and the rules/methods we use to run the game and simulations.  The 1:1 time/ #Brosr community has expanded to this huge wealth of ideas and more enhanced ways to play the game, and our group takes a lot of that in, but play still kind of develops from this hivemind of just focusing on what’s fun at that moment in that session.  I have given the group the opportunity to do Braunsteins, take on factions/ develop their own, run mass combats with minis, and there’s been a little of each over the lifetime of the campaign, but session play has consistently focused on grinding xp and improving and keeping alive favorite PCs.  Player’s just love seeing their guys get more powerful, and as a DM I enjoy watching it all play out and seeing how higher level spells affect combat etc.  So despite the fact that Nappendixia campaign never really had its big Braunstein or PvP event, the players and PCs all developed to the elite level, and now we are at a point where Godhard the cleric is high enough level to start some of his own domain things.  Plus, pausing the campaign with the final showdown with Nelson the Dragon is very fitting to our methods, as Nelson was generated in session play off the random tables, made 2 appearances in game, then was taken over by a player and run as a faction for a while, and I used all of his notes and maps to run the final session.  That’s a good place to put session play from me as a DM on pause until the Summer, where we will reconvene and possibly pick up a new player or 2.  We will see.  Until then several players have already expressed interest in running some things both text based and live through Discord.  I look forward to popping in as a player sometimes, however I do look forward to taking a break from writing these session reports.  As essential as they are, they require time and commitment and a little bit of writing ability to attend to, but it’s the only way to express and legitimize your campaign, you gotta show the receipts!  Thanks to everyone who reads these session reports and visits my blog.

Treasure and XP-  Slaying Nelson the Dragon and several of his minions, plus acquiring his impressive hoard resulted in the greatest windfall the campaign has ever produced.  Thousands in coin, gems, and jewelry, several scrolls of higher level spells, a crystal ball, a magic shield and battleaxe, were among some of the choice items, but it all worked out to 13,009xp per PC, and the surviving henchmen gained a level.

Graveyard-  Lucky, Marathon, and Arthur- incinerated by a Falmestrike on the Bronco at the 1st Slime Cultist Battle.  (session 96)

Oops, Almost- killed by Rakasta and Sabretoothed Tigers in Chateau Amber’s Inner Garden (session 97)

Jorel. Godhard’s P3 hench- killed by Nelson the dragon’s bite, then revived with the last charge of the staff of resurrection.  (session 99)

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