Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mar Millor Campaign 1.0 Adventure Log Sessions 3-4

 Session 3-  Tales From Mountain Ghosts, Hands of Stone

Day 2-  8pm-  The party leaves the bat creature’s dungeon after the fight with the death of the magic user and the fleeing of the last bat creature.  Malden the paladin carried the body out of the dungeon with help, and buried him next to the body of the Elf thief Valinor.  9 pm, the party departs for the village with the rescued Miller’s. 

 Day 3-  They get sleep, eat, and rest most of the day. 

 Day 4-  The party Belgium, Harem, and Mandigor go back to recon the bat lair.  They spy a creature on lookout, and scare it off down the cave, they risk entering and get to the door of the dwarven church.  The ghost priest reappears, and conducts a full service.  He gives a gift of hallucinogenic ale to Belgium, and reveals a secret passage beneath the altar.  They choose to not go down the secret path, and instead barrel out of the dungeon avoiding any encounters.  Meanwhile, the party is informed that at the nearby tenement house, the fourth property in the ville, there is an arcane looking gentleman, a likely adventurer, who has recently rented a room at the house.  The party introduces themselves to Draden, a magic user, who was recently disconnected from his adventuring group, and was hoping to reunite with them here, a location they all knew.  After waiting for two weeks with none from his old party arriving, Draden decides to join the group in their efforts to remove the plague of the bat creatures.  Mandigor consults the Miller’s hoping to replace his destroyed plate armor, and they offer him a humble suit of leather, which he accepts, but also tell him that if anyone has metal armor it would be the wealthy-ish Lord Harrington.  The Harrington’s are found to also be experiencing a family crisis at the hands of the bat creatures, with their teen daughter, Mona, being kidnapped by the bat creatures.  The party agrees to rescue Mona and encourage Harrington by telling tales of their victories against the bat creatures.  He offers a suit of fine chain armor to Mandigor to replace his ruined plate.  

The party returns to the bat dungeon on Day 6 in the afternoon.  They chose an untested path that seemed unused. Thantas discovered and picked a finely crafted dwarven wooden door.  The room beyond revealed a riddle on a stone door, a basin of oil of petrify, and a petrified adventurer.  The party by accidental experimentation found that touching the stone hands of the statue to the door turned the door to wood, it was then chopped down over the next 10 minutes.  The chamber beyond revealed the burial chamber of a dwarven patriarch and matriarch, laid out in two sarcophaguses. The sarcophagus revealed that the corpses had somehow been tainted by evil, and undead skeletons attacked the party, nearly targeting the wizard, but missing the cleric instead.  The party respectfully liberated the coin, fine crafted axe, and two magic spell tablets, bringing them back to the modern world.  The party proceeds past the burial chamber only to reveal a second stone door with the same riddle.  They elect to break off the hands of the petrified adventurer and use the hands to turn the door to wood.  Session ends  2pm Day 6

Session 4-   The Crucible and the Spoils

Day 6 2pm-  Play begins with the party smashing through the door, only to reveal a huge troll-like creature and 4 more bat creatures prepared for battle.  The monstrous creature was overconfident, as Harem scored a critical hit and Mandigor took another heavy blow to the creature, while the newly added magic user, Draden, took out the bat creatures with a sleep spell.  The troll monster responds by smashing to death poor Harem, he was a target due to his deadly sharp axe and recent critical hit.  In response the party takes out the monsters, only to reveal at the last second, a sneaking hiding, leader of the bat creatures almost get the drop on the mage and the thief, positioned in the back.  They spot him however, and take him out with some arrows and a charge from the rest of the party.  The party finds a stone gem on the bat leader, curious that maybe it was a real gem that was touched in the basin of oil of petrification.  The next chamber revealed 2 bat creatures guarding a girl in a cage, but they quickly saw they were outmatched and ran for the rocky corridor.  The party finds and “rescues” a very bored teenage Mona von Harrington, who upon the party’s entrance, undos the lock of her cage and informs the party she is leaving.  The party subtly convinces her to stay with them, and they quickly explore the final cavern of the complex, a giant spillway and underground water filled cavern with a large water wheel.  They realize that the wheel turns an axle that in turn leads to the grinding wheel in the mine area, the grind wheel unable to turn because one obvious large gear wheel had been removed and placed aside.  The party reinserts the gear and the grind wheel begins turning and grinding again.  Other than some curious glowing fish in the water cavern, the party decides to explore no longer.  They end up finding one more rust monster egg, and a secret passage that connected the throne in the room with Mona to the altar in the dwarven priest ghost chamber.  The party leaves, curious if they will ever return, perhaps to use this location as their own hideout at some point.  They return to the ville and Lord Harrington, ecstatic at the return of his daughter, rewards the party with 100gp.  The party then visits and stays with Fraida the dwarf, and she is very pleased to have her precious grandfather’s ruby returned, gives the party 500gp, and elects to keep it stone, even though the mage graciously offers to try to turn it back to ruby.  She tells them the tale of the Stonehand clan, and that the gem may be somehow connected to the strange angel statues in the tombs, guardians of some sort.  The party rests peacefully knowing they have vanquished the bat creatures, and sad at the loss of Harem and the others, comforted some that they have been peacefully interred.  End Day 6.

Day 7- the party leaves early, on a muggy foggy morning, wet everywhere with fog and dew.  The mage hears at one point in the path back to the road sounds of a shuffling party ahead.  They elect to investigate together, and come across some recent footprints that cross their path perpendicular, heading south.  They decide to instead head back to Cedar crossing, in need of new armor and supplies.  They make it back to the road and head north all day, camping and making it into Cedar Crossing by morning on Day 8. 

Day 8-   Mandigor makes a deal with a taxidermist to embalm the hand of the troll, and the rest of the party begins to reequip, buy horses, and secure lodging in town.  They secure lodging for 2 weeks and decide to rest, relax, spend coin and enjoy Cedar crossing and get to know it for 2 weeks. End day 8.  Resume in 2 weeks-  Day 22    

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