Sunday, June 12, 2022

Mar Millor Campaign 1.0 Adventure Log Sessions 1-2

These are the adventure logs form a current campaign I am running.  It began in October of 2021 and we use Advanced Labyrinth Lord as a ruleset.  It began as a hex crawl/ sandbox campaign, and has transitioned into some classic AD&D modules.  After we complete the module arc we are currently on, we will transition the campaign to a 1:1 time campaign relying on random tables and the emergent stories that develop from those rolls.  

 Mar Millor Campaign 1.0  Adventure Log

Cast of Characters

Original Party

Mandigor-  Half Elf Fighter 

Malden-  Paladin

  • His dog Gunter

Belgium-  Dwarven Cleric

  • His henchman Harem (deceased)

Galiose-  Elven Magic User (deceased)

Valinor-  Elven Thief (deceased)

New Party Additions

Thantas-  Elven Thief (Valinor’s brother), (deceased, reincarnated as an Elven Assassin)

Draden-  Human Magic User

Gruumsh-  Half Orc Thief

Gregory- Paladin’s Squire


Manuel-  Horse Tender (brothers)

Mondius- Archer/Torchbearer (brothers)

Lance-  Teamster

LaSalle-  Guard/Torchbearer (critically wounded, recovered)

Session 1-  Adventurer’s Assemble   Day 1

The party congregates at a tavern in Cedar Crossing.  Mandigor- Half Elf Fighter, Malden- Human Paladin and his dog Gunter, the Elven Magic User Galieose, Elven Thief Valinor, and Dwarven Cleric Belgium and his companion Harem meet and discuss their goals and trade rumors.  They decide to go south to two rumor locations they realize are fairly near each other-  a small ville where some strange small bat creatures were spotted, and the tomb of Sigyfel the Wizard, which was reported to the Paladin to be disturbed.They travel all day south by road after a hearty breakfast at the tavern.  It is an average early October day.  They encounter a pilgrim of Pelor and help some farmers unstuck a  cart from some mud.  The rest of the day passes uneventfully.  Camp by the side of the road 4 hexes south. 

Day 2-  Travel off the road to a path that Malden the Paladin knew to lead to Sigyfel’s tomb.  Along the path, the cleric Belgium recognizes the area as near where he spotted the bat creatures, and the party decides to explore that location before the tomb.  They come to a crossroads of 4 farmhouses, and first the elf thief explores a copse of woods with a plume of smoke rising, only to find a witch like woman who asks for the death of the nearby bakers, the Miller family, and wants their famous family brand yeast, claiming that her recipes were stolen and are the reason for the bakeries success.  She promises to share some of her folk magic in return.  When approaching the farmhouses, they meet the Miller family patriarch who is despondent at the kidnapping of his wife and children.  He is desperate for some heroes to offer to try a rescue, and the party agrees.  They also meet Fraida the dwarf, from the house across the street, and she tells the party of her grandfather’s ruby which was stolen by the bat creatures.  The party sets out for the location the bat creatures seem to be retreating to, an old cave mouth with a path and a stream leading inside.  They arrive by noon and Valinor decides to scout ahead into the cave.  Unfortunately he walks straight into a well placed ambush by the bat creatures, and succumbs to an arrow wound, a bat creature sneak attack, and a failed initiative roll.  Rest well Valinor, your bravery will be remembered.  The party rushes in upon hearing Valinor call out, and dispatch 4 of the creatures, but the 2 archers flee deeper down passage at the back of the cavern.  

Session 2-  Funerals For Friends, So Soon?  Day 2  1pm

The party exits the cave as a heavy rain storm begins, high winds, and the ground is quickly saturated, matching the dark mood of the party experiencing the loss of Valinor.  The paladin leads a group in burying the elf thief in the soft ground a few hundred feet from the cave mouth.  Tragically, as the party is preparing to lower Valinor into the ground, his brother Thantas, also a thief, steps into the burial site rushing and tired from a several days forced march as he was desperately trying to catch up to his brother to relay an important message.  The import of the message no longer meaningful, Thantas agrees to join the party in raiding the lair of the bat creatures in vengeance of the fallen brother.  3pm-  return to the cave mouth.  Search the first cavern, a large oval shaped cavern with many passages leading in different directions and the stream continuing north into a crack in the rock cavern.  All of the passages out of the cavern are rough natural passages, save one that ends in a fine carved dwarven stone door, which the party manages to open.  Inside it reveals an ancient dwarven church, and after a brief search revealed a ghostly dwarven priest who desired to begin a traditional service and encouraged the party to sit and receive the service.  The group initially agrees, but after an hour of waiting for the end several members got up for the door, and the spectral service faded out.  5pm-  The party moves out of the church and into one of the other passages and find another cavern, which is searched and a cask of fine yeast is found, a little further up the passage they find a curious iron egg shaped object.  The party continues deeper into the lair, winning 2 short battles with bat creatures and finding the kidnapped Miller wife and 2 sons.  They also have an unfortunate encounter with some rust monsters, realizing what the iron eggs are, and Mandigor loses his plate armor guarding the party as it flees from the rust monsters.  In the battle with the bat creatures that led to the freeing of Angela Miller, the mother, the magic user Galieose was tragically killed by a well placed bat creature arrow and a low Constitution.  Again, the brave paladin carried the body out of the cave (with the help of Mandigor)  as the party decided it was time to fall back, rescue the Miller’s and regroup and likely get some rest.  After burying the magic user next to the grave of the fallen thief, the party plans to return the Miller’s to their farmhouse which will bring much happiness from the father and other siblings.

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