Monday, August 22, 2022

Giving Away a 2mm Ancients Army! Mini-Wargaming Pay It Forward To Our Community

*Update- It has been paid forward*

 I would like to give a big thanks to Jon Mollison for sending me a mini wargaming gift.  He sent me this sprue of  Black Powder Epic Prussians all the way from HI to MA free of charge and asked that I pay it forward.  A friend of mine just built up a big army of French, so these Prussians will definitely be getting some use.  You likely already know the man, but if you don't check out his amazing youtube channel and website which are both linked on my blog.

So here's how I would like to pay it forward.  I'm giving away a small 2mm Ancients/Fantasy army from metal minis from Irregular Miniatures and bases.  I'm happy to pay forward the miniwargaming love by sending this to anyone interested in 2mm minis that will paint and use them.  Perfect for Chainmail or all kinds of wargaming/RPG uses.  Configure the minis however you want, here's one config I put together.

It's enough minis for 2x Armor Foot, 3x Heavy Foot, 1x Light Foot, 3x Archers, 1x Medium Cavalry, 1x Heavy Cavalry, 2x Heroes/Characters using Chainmail rules, but you can configure them many ways.  

So I will be posting this blog post on Twitter, and hope some member of the miniwargaming community will take me up on the offer and somehow pay it forward to someone else, possibly even a miniwargamer. I WILL PROMPTLY MAIL YOU THIS ARMY FREE OF CHARGE to the first person that messages me either here or on Twitter.  I will post when/if someone claims this offer.  Thanks again Jon Mollison, be sure to check out his amazing Youtube channel "The Joy of Wargaming", and his website

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