Friday, September 29, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 61

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  61 Session Date-  9/27/23

Time Passed-  7 days adventure, 1 day rest/light duty (9/27-10/4)

Roll Call-  Harry- T5

Bart- F3/C4

Gregory- F1 henchman

Maximillion-  F4

Godhard- C5

Kenny- M/U3

25 Lt Cav

4 Hvy Hobilar

War Wagon Transport

Adventure Log-  The session begins with a quick recap of the recent resolution of Stigr and his failed downtime scouting mission.  Already having lost 16 of his crossbowmen, he and the 2 surviving soldiers and the gorilla man come upon some filthy pilgrims who claim to be seeking the Great Milenko to the Northeast.  They have nothing to share save all the water they could drink and a little food.  At this point the Gorilla man rides off to the NW leaving the humans.  They then come across bulette sign and move on.  At dusk they are set upon by 15 wolves.  Both Stigr’s companions are killed and he is terribly wounded but escapes only to find he is lost and not near Bartertown as he thought.  He manages to find Bartertown the next day after backtracking, and immediately retires to the stone manor to rest and recover, lucky to be alive.  

9/27-  The party decides to take a ride out to the Megadungeon to see if things remain the same.  They load up the warwagon with food and water and head out, fortunately arriving with no major encounters save a strange unexpected lunar eclipse that occurs the first night of travel.  They take heed to the omen.  

9/29-  They approach the megadungeon at their usual southern approach past the spindly metal tower.  They observe from the rocky outcropping they used before and see 3 Gorilla man patrols on the field before the mountain megadungeon.  6 squads of manlings are running around on the field skirmishing them.  The party decides to prep the cav to charge, assemble them behind the outcropping, then have them charge forth when a patrol of gorilla men goes by.  They get surprise on the squad and manage to take them out with lightning speed.  They pull back behind the unit and prep to try the tactic again.  The next patrol that goes by they attempt a charge, but the gorilla men are alert and get the initiative.  A pair of lt cav are killed by lances, and another wounded, but the party and the cav strike back and slay the unit.  The third unit however, was riding in support and they charge in next.  Clash with the party, but they are slain.  Thinking they are safe for a moment, they assess the scene.  Bodies are looted producing just some pocket change and silver.  A few horses are grabbed by the party.  They look to the mountain side, thinking they had cleared a path to go investigate the hidden southern entrance to the dungeon that the Kenku told them about, but they spy about a dozen gorilla men riders assembled at the base, and another squad assembled on top using a big signal mirror signaling down the southern road.  Just then they are surprised as a dozen Manlings leap from the talus onto the party and attack!  Several of the party are wounded, and another lt cav falls in battle and several more are wounded.  The party responds in kind however, and despite the manlings razor sharp knives, they defeat them.  

9/30-  Stymied and concerned about the arrival of reinforcements, they head south into the hills seeking a route to the southwest to cut off the road but still try to get to the gorilla men settlement.  After a half day of travel, they realize the trip will be at least 5 days, too long and rough, so they turn around.  They try to note on their map the location of where the gorilla men signal mirror was directed.

10/1-  The party heads back to Bartertown, the first day passing uneventfully, but the next day they are set upon by a small party of berserkers, in a rage they charge the party with their more impressive leadership standing back.  Kenny’s well placed sleep spell takes out the majority of the charging berserkers, and the responding attacks from the party takes out the rest.  Max and the Lt cav rush forward to engage the leadership, one possesses a glowing magic sword, another a fine spear, and a third some quality leather armor, they have 2 divine casters with them.  The cav crashes into the berserkers and they hold, amazingly none fall.  The 2 strongest fighters engage Max and he quickly finds himself very wounded.  Bart rushes forward to assist and Godhard and the berserker clerics begin casting.  First the Berserker leader is held fast by Godhards spell, then the cleric's spells go off, first holding both Max and Bart frozen in place, and the hold on the leader dispelled.  Bart and Max are quickly grabbed, and the badly wounded berserkers ransom their escape for the lives of the party members.  Godhard agrees, knowing his friends' lives are more important.  They flee with almost all of them very wounded, but they are able to get away.  The party finds very little coin on the slain berserkers.

10/3-  The party returns to Bartertown after spending many healing spells restoring Max, Harry, and Kenny among others, they return to the stone manor to rest and recover.

Session Notes-  So talking about zero prep is all the rage now, and I’ve endeavored to run some zero prep games for the foreseeable future.  So after my first real zero prep session, I realized the thing I needed most was organization of my DM area and use of more space, giving myself more room to spread out.  I cleared off my worktable to completely accommodate my gaming setup.  I made enough space to set up all my homebrewed dm screens within seeing distance of my old man eyes.  This greatly cuts down on the amount of stuff I have to look up in the book, and greatly reduces fatigue/stress in game.  Of course no game is complete without having some kind of difficulty in finding a rule, often one I’ve looked up many times.  I also gave myself enough room to have most of my minis that I use out on the table, and I moved my laptop over to give myself more room to get the laptop cam on the dice tray where i roll live in the open, and the area where I set up minis for marching order and to loosely represent some combats.  Players can view that screen live and have it open over the general chat in Discord.  You can see this in action in the picture here.  If you look on the left screen in the upper right corner you can see the dice and minis on screen as a player would, and still be able to see the general chat where most players roll.  I use the other screen for files of saved images and stuff I like to drop into the chat while we’re playing.  I have a clipboard where I record all the session details, anything generated on the fly in session gets written down there, that way it's easily findable afterwards.  I have lots of clip lamps and lighting as I’m in a basement; good lighting is important.  I keep a tv tray as a side table to hold all the books.  They are frequently on my lap in session.  I really pride myself on always keeping the game moving, my players will attest to this.  I have learned to slow myself down lately, and give the players more room to guess their way through things, and also to take the time to roll stuff out in game.  It’s still a process, but I highly recommend getting highly organized in your DM area.

Treasure and XP-  Monsters-  15 Gorilla Men 710xp, 12 Manlings 312xp, 11 berserkers 325xp, draw with berserker leadership 905xp= 2252xp.  Treasure-  46gp, 110sp= 51xp Total-  2303xp/ 5 PCs= 460xp each.   Bart gets 390xp, Gregory gets 70xp.  Add % bonus if applicable.

Graveyard-   16 Mounted Crossbowmen to Dimetrodon in the jungles south of Bartertown (downtime)

1 Lt Cav to Gnoll pikemen outside Wardoof’s ruined keep (Session 60)

1 Mounted Crossbowman and 1 Sgt, killed by wolves west of Bartertown (downtime)

3 Lt Cav killed in the Gorilla Men/ Manling skirmishes outside the Megadungeon (session 61)

Saturday, September 23, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- Session 60

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  60 Session Date-  9/20/23

Time Passed-  4 days + 1 day rest/light duty  (9/20-9/24)

Roll Call-  Harry-  T5

                Maximilion- F4

Bart-  C4/F3

Godhard-  C5

Tomas-  F5

7x Lt Cav

Adventure Log-  The session started a little late as we were resolving the downtime mission of Stigr and Markus that got them captured by bandits.  They remained captured for 12 days, then were abandoned as the bandits quickly fled.  They make contact with Chilgar, a Framen, and he manipulates the Nappendixia dust allowing the party to levitate to the ground, 1 however slips and perishes.  Upon getting to the ground, they are almost immediately set upon by 6 Dimetrodon dinosaurs, the creatures maul 15 while only Stigr, a gorilla man, the sergeant and 1 crossbowman get away on some med warhorses the bandits left behind.  Chilgar saves Markus by grabbing him and somehow using the Nappendixia dust to transform them into a rock.  

9/20-  Jumping into the present, the party makes an account of their current troops, they are as such- 

20 Heavy Foot-  Group

2 Spearmen- Stigr

1 Med Cavalry- Godhard

7 Light Cavalry- Tomas



Wagon Repairman

Max had been around for a week and was able to make contact with 4 Heavy hobilar, and the party puts together the money to hire them along with a sergeant.  They weigh their options as to locations to adventure to, and arrive on a trip to the ruined keep to the SE, where Jack had scouted and saw the fighter that challenges travelers.  

9/21-  They safely make the day of travel out to the location, and arrive in time to see a group of gnolls exit the ruined keep at dusk setting up an ambush in a far copse of trees.  They watch, and plot.  They decide to approach the gnoll ambush on foot, using themselves as bait, then let the lt cav charge them on the road as they attempt to combat the party.  Their plan is effective, the party draws out the gnolls and allows the cav to charge.  They damage the gnolls but one falls to gnoll pikemen.  They turn to see the fighter leader emerge from the keep with 4 more gnolls, say I am Wardoof! and issue a challenge for single combat.  Bart bravely stands up in the name of Kord and the fight begins.  Both fighters quaff potions, Bart giant strength and when Wardoof drinks several hyenas emerge from the woods.  Wardoof, who wears a great helm with iron bat wings welded to it, is boastful and spiteful, he wounds Bart severely with several sword strikes, and Bart fails to return the damage.  He activates his magic wrestling belt, leaving only one charge remaining, and receives another sword strike from Wardoof, almost killing him.  With the last of his strength and the magic belt, Bart clocks Wardoof, almost killing him with one blow and stunning him.  Bart winds up again and snaps the fighter's neck with a shot to the jaw.  Wardoof drops the magic sword as the remaining gnolls charge into the party, one freezing from a hold person spell from Godhard, the rest dropping from the fighter's melee as well as a hyena.  The divine members of the party recognize the iconography on the sword to be Lawful Good, and Godhard wields it to see its nature.  It reveals itself to be an empathic sword of mild intelligence, it is +2 when wielded by someone NG or LG, only +1 and non-powered if wielded by anyone else.  It can detect evil x3/ day.  Godhard is unable to use the sword, but Maximillion is worthy of the sword and it claims itself Maxcalibur and Max begins attuning to it.  They also find some treasure on the gnolls and 5000gp stored from the fighter’s treasure, as well as 2 potions he didn’t quaff.  They find a very nice gem in the treasure sacks also.  A badly wounded Bart, as well as Harry who took a serious blow receive as much healing as the party can muster, and they make camp and rest for the night.

9/22-  The party makes a safe if not eerie day of travel back to Bartertown.  With the absence of Papagallo, patrols are more sparse in the badlands, and the party goes all day without encountering anything living.  They do however, in the morning come across a ruined cart and the skeletal remains of its horse and driver, nothing of value remaining.  They later come across two dead bodies in the dry scrub bloated in death and scalped completely, likely taken as trophies by monsters of some kind.  Unnerved, they move on.  

9/23-  back at Bartertown, Max who took Wardoof’s great helm as evidence of his demise, and others moved about the taverns and inns letting people know of Wardoof’s defeat by Bart and the new safety in that area.  Meanwhile, Tomas and others secure the hiring of 17 more light cav that had appeared in town weeks ago.  The troops increase for the Iron Company.  Later that day, a merchant finds MAx and tells him his nephew was a victim of the evil Wardoof.  He is thankful that Bart and the party ended his evil plans and rewards them with a sack of gold coins.  

Session Notes-  It should be noted that downtime activities were going on that evening right up to the beginning of the live session, showing that quite a bit is going on behind the scenes and in downtime.  Bartertown is now totally in control of the patron Hjuevos, and the PCs and he interact without me at all save maybe a few questions here and there.  It’s very cool because there’s stuff going on in the game that I don’t know about.  The players and patron are wiring up elaborate corporate contracts and negotiating them in downtime, definitely a direction I would never have taken the game on my own.  Today I improved my gaming station, I realized I was too cramped, so I gave myself more room to spread out and put up my homebrewed DM screens I’ve made over the years.  It will really help with zero prep play to just have that stuff out in front of my eyeballs for reference and for keeping with RAW.  It will also allow for me to get back to showing die rolls live on cam, as well as having minis live on cam for marching order.  I’ve also been using a third monitor which helps in giving me 2 screens to work with when my laptop screen is pointed down at the dice/ minis.  You definitely should fung shui your DM setup to improve your enjoyment of running sessions regularly with zero prep.  I definitely ran some of the combats a little off RAW, and want to get away from that.  We ended the session a little early just due to that was where we came to a naturally good end point.  It gave me time to calculate xp right there, but had I run the combat a little more RAW, we could have been more cognizant of weapon vs AC, and a few other things, but I thing with the new setup, and I plan to study my homebrew screens to familiarize myself where everything is, things will improve.  

Treasure and XP-  Monsters-  9 gnolls, hyena, Fighter 4 844xp Treasure-  45gp, 33ep, 5000gp, 500gp gem, magic sword, 2x potions 7061xp= 7905xp/ 5 PCs = 1581xp each, add % bonus if appropriate

Graveyard-  16 Mounted Crossbowmen to Dimetrodon in the jungles south of Bartertown

1 Lt Cav to Gnoll pikemen outside Wardoof’s ruined keep

Battletech/ Tunnels and Trolls from Jeffro's Space Gaming Blog

 So I tried out Jeffro's Battletech/Tunnels and Trolls mash-up today, I was quite pleased.  I was serendipitously intrigued when I had both read the article that chronicled the early games and design ( ), and picked up a copy of Battletech 4th ed for real real cheap at the Brimfield Antiques Show all in the same week.  a thorough reading of the article and referencing the mech stats from the back of the rulebook was enough to make converting things over to T&T, which is another system I have no prior knowledge of.  I got a pdf of that (1st ed) for $2, and that was very easy to digest, in all my years of gaming I always just assumed T&T was just too simplistic and really just for choose your own adventure type solo games.  the combat and saves mechanics are really all you're using so I found 1st ed to be a fine version to use though it seems 4th ed is the preferred version.  It took me about an hour of understanding the ranges and combat numbers, the movements bands and activations.  I very much like it for quick solo games or over discord resolutions. I could definitely see this going well over a discord chat and using a die roller in the chat.  it also could be used for quick combat resolution in a larger more rpg type game.  there's a lot of options I could see people using it for.  I really like its simplicity, and ease of making adjustments.  I allowed my teams to have 4 points they could distribute amongst themselves to give bonuses to either movement or shooting rolls.  I also ruled that Banshee's PPC would reroll 1's on damage to represent it's power.  

I ran an Atlas and a Cicada vs a Banshee and an Assassin.  The Atlas and Assassin both had long range missiles, and fired them at each other while holding still (I allowed a +1 to shooting if the mech did not move that round)  The Atlas hit and did 39 of 40hp damage to the Assassin.  I ruled it would be fully stunned 1 round then -1 to move the next round.  It simultaneously fired its LRM back but missed!  the Cicada lept forward 1 range band.  I just broke up the map into 4 slices, 2 on each side of the fold to represent 4 range bands.  each time a unit moved closer i moved them 4 hexes forward.  I ignored terrain for the first game, but would like to add some at least for line of sight blockers affecting combat a little.  After that the Banshee was able to get 20 damage off on the Atlas, but it wasn't enough to affect his rolls the next turn, and the cicada got in close range with its med laser and the Atlas hammered away with its AC20.  I could have got the Assassin back in the game on a suicide run, but it was kind of over at that point and I definitely got the gist of how this game plays.  It's quite slick.  I would highly recommend, Battletech 4th ed pdfs were free online, I was fortunate enough to score those cardboard cutouts from the box, they had all the standees and even the little unit decals, but you could use Tau models from 40k, legos, or I bet there's sci-fi chits easily found online.  Give this mashup a try, click the link to see the original article/concept.  

Friday, September 15, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- Session 59

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Reports Chapter 4

Session #-  59 Session Date-  9/13/23

Time Passed-  5 days  (9/13-9/16, rest/light downtime activity on 9/17)

Roll Call-  Harry- T5

Tomas- F5

Godhard- C5

Kenny- M/U2

10 Lt Cav

Adventure Log-  The session begins with a rolling out of a downtime mission.  9/3-  Stigr the fighter, Markus the cleric, 17 mounted crossbowmen and their sgt, and their battlewagon with the ballista.  They are doing a scouting mission into the jungles south of Bartertown looking for the snake cultists of Resheph the Vile.  They seek to find his hidden jungle ziggurat and assess his troops.  They make it into the jungle mouth, limited by their battlewagon in the dense jungle.  Unfortunately quite quickly, a band of over 70 bandits get the drop on them.  We pause there and resolve the encounter in downtime.

9/13-  Tomas had spent the previous week seeking new troops, and fortunately found 20 heavy foot with 2 sgt and a capt.  He immediately consults with the party and they raise the coin to hire them and equip them in banded mail and halberds.  They will be fully armed by the 18th and ready for action at the hefty cost of 3660gp.  

9/14-  the party decides to head out to check out the Cubic Gate, a nearby landmark that they never fully investigated.    They travel swiftly and without encounter, reaching the gate in a day.  Upon getting there and resting they investigate it the following day.  Harry and some troops begin digging down into the foundation of the thing, a wide flat rectangular stone structure with a wide pool filled with warm brackish water and a tall anthropomorphic statue wind blown featureless by erosion.  Many investigations take place, and Kenny pontificates on its arcane connections, but when Godhard casts detect magic it does not radiate magic.  He wades into the tepid pool, and is unharmed, but the water is far from refreshing.  Meanwhile the crew digging gets about 3 feet deep when Harry’s thief eye spots an odd seem running through 2 of the stone bricks.  He pulls the digging troops out and carefully climbs in to search for traps.  He finds one a false floor that would have buried him in sand had he not detected it.  He blocks it off and moves to safely open the secret compartment, about a 2x2 foot alcove, at the rear they see a strange stone relief carving of an eyeless skeleton holding what looks like an hourglass and a halo or other circular object.  Inside the alcove they find 2000ep and a strange scroll of ancient language, some in Common, some unknown.  It is one of those esoteric techie type pieces of writing that Master was asking the party to look for, this one is all about gems, and maybe how to find them or how to cut and polish them, Harry tries to read it but is unable to make much out.  Kenny makes a rubbing of the eyeless skeleton relief.  In the noon sun a group of 9 giant lizards ambles towards the cubic gate likely wanting to sun themselves there.  The party assesses the difficulty vs value of the lizard hides, and decides to exit the area before the herd arrives.  

9/15-  They arrive back at Bartertown and go to visit the sages, choosing the skills of Master’s sage over their loyalty to Auntie.  Master’s sage tells them several revelations about cult activity around the area, the presence of a likely chaotic evil god, the secret powers within the megadungeon mountain, and some legends of planar travel and connections in and out of Nappendixia.  After visiting the sage and discussing their new information, they discuss what their next move will be in establishing their Iron Company in Bartertown.  They decide to send a party to go talk with Auntie.

Session Notes-  This was a great session, really a player driven affair.  We started the session really casually just chatting about life and such.  Then we rolled out that downtime scouting mission, which went sideways and got a lot of laughs. We're still resolving it, the party has been captured, creating the opportunity for a rescue mission potentially.  The sort of total absence of DM guidance caused the group to take the reins, they divvied treasure and some magic items, did the whole troop acquisition thing, which is quite significant.  Rolling a big block of 20 heavy foot is pretty damn rare, and it was smart for them to grab it.  Now they can really have a presence in a mass combat situation, that block of 20 is a nice anchor.  Plus it's a great guard unit now that Bartertown has been destabled a bit. Same thing with the cubic gate trip, it was a smart play, enough travel to generate some potential rolls on the random wilderness tables, plus searching a nearby landmark they never took the time to search.  And finally we used the sage tables, so really the whole session was generated by player agency and using all the cool stuff out of the DMG.  Lately there has been a lot of negative talk about running sessions with Zero Prep, but that is exactly the direction I plan to take the game into the winter.  I really want to get into all the guts of the DMG and let that and the monster manuals drive play for a while, the only prep being to read more Appendix N.  Right now I’m reading Blood Meridian, which is its own type of inspiration, but I definitely will get back to App N after that.

Treasure and XP-  4000ep (2000xp)/ 4 PCs = 500xp each  add % bonus if appropriate


Sunday, September 10, 2023

Grenadier AD&D minis painted with contrast paint

 They took the contrast paint well.  Easy to speed paint. From the specialist and hirelings boxes.

Sunday, September 3, 2023

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 58

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  58 Session Date-  8/30/23 Time Passed-  1 Day

Roll Call-  Kenny- M/U1

Harry- T5

Maximillion- F3

Godhard-  C4

Tomas-  F3

Morsov- C2

Bart- C3

Adventure Log-  The party is hunkered down with Cabbie and the goblins, planning and gathering intel on the location of the President and formulating a plan of escape.  They are met by Kenny, a fledgling magic user, who offers his arcane powers to the party and shares a little knowledge he has about the prison complex.  They are happy to have someone with some offensive spells to assist them.  They learn about the 2 rival factions of the Orc Indians gang, and decide to challenge the leader in single combat and take over one side of the gang, hoping to grow a force that can attack or at least distract the Duke’s Gypsies so they can effect a rescue.  They ask Cabbie to take them there to avoid harassment from the gangs and potential undead on the prison floor.  He agrees but tells them the only way to get there is to take Broadway, a very dangerous gauntlet of a street.  A showdown occurs on Broadway between the party and the Hobgoblin Liberation Front, the president’s kidnappers.  Hobgoblins line both sides of the street, with 2 lieutenants and the hobgoblin chief waiting at the end.  They crash through the front group and fire missiles forward and to the sides, godhard is almost pulled off the tractor with a whip strike from the hobgoblin Lt.  They blind the chief with a light spell and he grasps about, dropping a wand and a sack of treasure.  Bart spies a curious belt wrapped around the chief's waist with the letters WWF, intrigued by the potential treasure several party members leap off the wagon and slay the chief and his lackeys then haul the chief's body on board to loot it.  Bart takes the wrestling belt, and they find a wand and give it to Kenny for emergencies, an unknown wand can be very dangerous to use.  They also find a magic hand axe, and potion which Godhard sips to test, and it turns out to be poison!  Narrowly avoiding death, he resists the small sip of poison.  They  make it to the orc lair at cave mouth C, and Bart enters and activates the wrestling belt, the risk triggers him to understand how the item works.  It gives him 1 turn of pummeling at 200% and is usable 3 times total before it loses its magic.  With only 10 minutes to use it, he immediately calls out to all the orcs he demands a challenge from the leader.  The party is brought to a room filled with shower heads and a steamy slightly slippery fighting arena is made as the orcs open up a space in the center of the room and the chief walks in.  They square off and the chief makes a wicked slice across Bart's chest, but Bart counters with a punch so powerful it snaps the chief’s neck and sends him sliding across the floor to be discarded in a puddle of shower water.  The orcs erupt in powerful cheers demanding Bart lead them now, as the party loot the orc Chiefs body, finding a tape in the process, hopefully it is the tape with the diplomacy meetings from the Hartford Summit on it.  The victorious party is given new confidence seeing their plan come together, Bart can lead an attack on the gypsies while the rest of the party sneaks in and finds and rescues the president in the chaos.  Unfortunately their luck runs out quickly as the steam dissipates in the shower room, 9 Bugbears and the Duke appear, arriving on loud 2 wheeled vehicles with knobby tires good at climbing the steep slopes in the prison.  Before the party can properly react the Duke says he recognizes the party as the Bartertown Strangers, however he heard they were dead.  At that the bugbears produce billy clubs and strike the party, knocking them out.  They awake in another huge complex, they only know their location because Kenny the mage, who only received a glancing blow from the club and is not truly knocked out, plays possum and is gathered up with the party as they are bound to the backs of the bikes and brought to cave mouth I, which has been hollowed out into a massive open complex with a squared gladiator arena in the center, chairs and benches arranged around, and several balconies and alcoves off the the side.  The arena is packed with howling prisoners of all types, but the Duke’s Gypsies are clearly in charge.  The Duke arrives and points to the party and says “They sent in their best men, now their best men are gonna die from our best man- Slag!”  At that a massive minotaur in a chain shirt and magic spear appears and enters the ring.  The party is told they will have to fight Slag with 1 person at first, another combatant can enter the ring each round.  They nervously organize themselves, putting the stoutest, best armored members first, Kenny opts to go last.  Harry manages to sneak away in the chaos to see if he can find anything.  The party all have their armor and weapons, but the packs and things like potions have been taken away, they lie in a pile at the base of the arena, along with a long flat chest that is clearly the prize for defeating the minotaur should anyone ever succeed.  Harry sneaks among the crowd checking out the alcove areas.  He sees 2 alcoves near where he is approaching, one is closed off with a large sliding wooden door.  The other is open and leads back to a room around the corner, lurking in the alcove opening, Harry sees Maggie, Brains pet mountain lion, they see each other, and Maggie makes a motion to follow her back into the alcove.  He follows her back, sneaking as best as he can, in the hidden alcove, he and Maggie see the president bound to the wall, worse for wear but alive, being guarded by 6 Gypsy thugs.  Across the room they see the hidden figure of Brain pull out his dagger and prepare to backstab a guard.  Harry does likewise, and each takes out their man, as Maggie leaps and rips out the throats of the other 4.  As they are untying the president, Romero, the Duke’s right hand man walks into the room and grinning with his filed down teeth leaps into combat with his battleax.  His hubris is unfulfilled, as they slay him and rescue the president, covering him in Gypsy garb as a disguise.  Simultaneously, the party has managed a war of attrition on the minotaur.  They continue to add more members to the ring each round, and the minotaur is off his game, and cannot drop party members fast enough and is overcome with wounds.  He discards his magic spear in lieu of more attacks from his claws, but still perishes.  When the minotaur falls, the whole room erupts into Chaos.  The Duke tries to get everyone to calm down and focus, but the party drops a Silence 15’ on his and it sticks, he retreats to the rear of the balcony and sends a lackey forward to finish delivering the message.  Meanwhile Harry and the president, with Maggie and Brain are looking for a way out, they approach the next alcove, the one with the closed sliding door, and open it.  At first it seems to be a mundane storeroom with just a few old barrels and boxes in it, but ⅔ of the corridor seems odd, it is shifting and there are pieces of debris, bones and coins suspended in midair.  The mass begins undulating forward and they realize it's a creature, likely a gelatinous cube, Harry has no time to shut the door as it surges forward, so instead they lead the cube forward then cut hard right and the cube launches into the rear of the crowd, melting and consuming several prisoners.  With this even more chaos erupts as the crowd panics.  The party manages to grab all of their gear, as well as the minotaurs treasure and Harry’s pack.  The 2 halves of the party reunite and the president is quickly checked on, he is missing a finger, bruised and battered and filthy.  They hand him a melee weapon for last resort defense and he disdainfully refuses, clearly used to his own security force.  He is anxious and demanding immediately reverting to a tyrant of a personality.  Keny gesticulates and speaks some arcane words off to the side, and suddenly the president’s disposition lightens, he becomes amiable and follows the party’s lead.   A group of Gypsies maintains its focus and rushes forward to the exit and leaps on 8 dirtbikes and roar out of the place.  The party also makes it to the exit, but at the last second a silent Duke and several Gypsies block the way.  Brain and Maggie leap forward to engage him, buying time for the party to escape.  The last thing they see is the Duke plunge a wicked curved shortsword into Brain, killing him, and an enraged Maggie fighting the Gypsy crowd to the death.  Running blind into the prison forest floor, a waiting Cabbie makes his move and pulls out to help the party escape.  They hop in the wagon and prepare to confront the bikers as they make their way back to the platform hopefully in time to get the miniaturized spike removed from their heads.  Cabbies' slower tractor has to plug away and resist the charging attacks of the Gypsy bikers.  Godhard helps turn the tables with a hold person spell that causes 3 riders to crash.  More are taken out in melee that got too close to Tomas and Max’s spear points.  Cabbie deposits the group at the base of the tall platform tree, and they begin the arduous climb up and are extracted by Hartforder guards. They are quickly assembled and the curious and clearly very powerful High Mage Lith emerges from Bob Hauk’s group of administrators.  She produces a strange U shaped piece of metal, painted red with silver tips.  She hands it to a kobold dressed in garb similar to hers, and stands him on a piece of parchment, and casts a spell that reduces him to near nothing.  She picks up the parchment and rolls it into a cone, deposits the tiny kobold into each party member's ear.  In turn everyone has the spikes removed from their heads, and Lith casts dispel magic and the full size kobold stands there with all of the iron spikes stuck to the metal U.  she counts the spikes, says “yeah you got them all, these guys are good.” , and turns to exit the area, tracing a circle in the air that opens a portal to another world.  She looks at Hauk, says don’t call me again, and about to step in the portal, Harry tries to chat her up, a man attracted to powerful women, but she responds with one finger answer as the portal closes around her hand.  Exhausted but exhilarated that their death sentence is no more, the party blissfully rests.  Hauk asks if they were able to recover the tape, and they produce the strange plastic rectangle, it is put in a silver tape player, where the voice of the president is heard discussing policy.  Hauk says, you guys did pretty good, if you ever want a job in Hartford doing security, give me a call.  They balk and say just get us the hell out of here.  The party rests for a good 12 hours in the Statue of Liberty complex, all the spoils of the mission are theirs to keep, as well as the mission gear they were given.  Thus ends the 3 part arc- Escape From Bree-Yark.  Thanks John Carpenter and Gary Gygax for all the background information and inspiration.  Thus ends Ch. 2.

Session Notes-  Ok so this was a huge departure from what this campaign normally is, but it was good to go here for a brief time.  I learned a lot, it was a great way to compare/contrast story gaming to emergent play.  First of all for me this was pure joy, 2 of my most favorite stories of all time Escape from New York, the movie that blew me away as a kid I still remember popping it into the VCR for the first time and watching it with my Dad, we were both blown away, it's such a, atmospheric and claustrophobic and frenetic ride of a movie, every beat is perfect.  And pretty much the same with Keep on the Borderlands, the module so many of us read and ran over and over, so many cool options in a sandbox world that just embodied D&D.  The merger was seamless for me, I was like seeing the matrix, linking up gangs from the movie with monster factions in the caves, envisioning the keep as the Liberty Island control center, the main characters, everything just linked up.  But it still took a lot of mental effort and time to work out every particular part of the plot. How would the players react to it, would they go rogue and try to take the story in places I wasn't prepared to go?  Despite it being really fun, it was a lot of work.  There was the initial story construction, and then there was additional story construction week to week to address the ways the PCs were interacting with the story.  Then there were the sort of railroad devices, the deus ex machina bits, I had to have a few of those to make sure the story didn’t go 180 degrees from where I was taking things.  Like the president had to be kidnapped, if the PCs prevent that, the whole rest of the story doesn’t happen.  It’s like a trade off, give the PCs the agency to prevent the kidnapping, but then 3 weeks of fun zany sessions goes poof.  Same with the capture scene with the bugbears and the Duke.  I knew I wanted the big finale to happen in the arena with the minotaur, and time was running down.  Not only did I need the device of capture, but I needed it to go quickly, not a drawn out combat.  So again the railroad had to happen to get the story told and the fun had in the allotted time.  None of this happens in emergent play.  Yes, the stories are simpler, because they are usually based on travel and use of random tables, or investigation of sites, random or pre planned on the campaign map.  There’s not a whole elaborate story that needs to be maintained, but it's just as interesting because the players can focus on whatever parts they find most fun and interesting and discard the rest.  With story gaming session reports are a nightmare, you’re trying to get everything right, remember exactly what happened in game, and also make sure it's readable/sensible to the non-players who also read the session reports.  The narrative goes on and on, and even still things must be omitted.  The same was mostly true even for running a string of modules as a campaign framework.  I’ve already discussed this in previous session reports, but with modules, there’s the initial prep, the weekly specific prep, and then the digging into the module to try to make sense of the parts that are confusing.  Of the 3 styles- storygaming, module gaming, and emergent play, emergent play is best for long-term sustainability, maintains DM vitality, and keeps players positively engaged and excited.  

I’ll say one more thing this week, and that’s lifting heavy things.  Our community often promotes the positive benefits to working out and while I of course agreed, I never really understood the direct connection to gaming and how it can truly make you a better gamer.  Through studying Stoicism these last few years, and learning about the value of self-control I started doing daily pushups each morning first thing as soon as I wake up.  I never really considered this “working out”, but I certainly started seeing benefits, my core got toned over time, and I was able to do more and more (I’m up to 50 every morning), but still it’s just a few minutes of exercise, not really a workout.  My wife and I agreed to start working out together in an effort to get our family in better shape and have fun doing it.  She made me up a nice 20-25 minute routine, and I just use 10 pound dumbbells.  We bought a simple workbench and set up a small workout area in our basement.  I can’t speak highly enough of the benefits and results.  I was already primed to get in better shape from the years of pushups, and I started seeing results almost immediately, my core is tighter and I’ve lost an inch off my waist.  Mentally it helps too, post workout time is a great time to get some gaming prep done, you’re on a little high, and you can spend time in your head thinking about the game while you're doing your  reps.  Plus the results you get from slow steady progress of working out is exactly like the slow steady progress and feeling of satisfaction you get from slowly leveling your character from 1st level noob to domain owning conqueror.  If you’re not doing some weekly exercise, you are doing yourself a disservice.  Get after it!

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 6 Hobgoblin, 2 Lts, 1 Chief, Orc Chief, Minotaur, Romero, 4 Gypsy Clerics, 4 Gypsy Thugs, 8 Gypsy Bikers, Tactical use of Gelatinous Cube= 3149xp   Treasure-  25pp, 200gp, 115 ep, 1000gp gem, poison, wand of paralysis x12, hand axe +1, silver/gold belt buckle 160gp, sword w/ 100gp gem, 800gp, 17ep, ivory bracelet 100gp, 50pp, Rope of Climbing, 930gp, 310ep, staff of curing x11, Plate mail +1, potions- gaseous form, healing, growth, jewelry- 1600gp, 900gp, 6000gp, 700gp armband=  21,436xp, Total xp 24,585xp/ 6 PCs = 4097 each.  Add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard-    Rollo Tomassi-  consumed by a Bag of Devouring in Zelligar’s dungeon  #38

Ragenard- brought to Death’s Door by a stirge attack in Zelligar’s dungeon #39 (1 week bed rest)

Caolite- brought to Death’s Door by kobolds in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week bedrest)

Bart-  brought to Death’s Door by Firetoad breath in Zelligar’s dungeon #40 (1 week


Ragenard-  killed by Griffons exploring the plains west of Fort Turjmir #42

Vlana-  killed by Troglodytes in the 2nd level of Zelligar’s dungeon #43

Stigr’s 4 Lt. Foot- killed by Zombies on the plains of Lancebrass #45


Godhard’s 2 Med Cav- killed by Firenewt’s mounted on Giant Striders #47

Stig- brought to Death’s Door by Orc raiders at the walls of Bartertown #48 (1 week     bedrest)

Harry- Brought to Death’s Door by the Tsathoggua Temple slime monster #54 (1 week 


Stigr/Tomas’ 3 Med Cav- killed by large spiders SE of Bartertown #55

How to Play D&D Like a Wargame Part 2- Theory Into Practice Reflections

  How to Play D&D Like a Wargame Part 2- Theory Into Practice Reflections In response to overwhelming readership of my first article on ...