Saturday, September 23, 2023

Battletech/ Tunnels and Trolls from Jeffro's Space Gaming Blog

 So I tried out Jeffro's Battletech/Tunnels and Trolls mash-up today, I was quite pleased.  I was serendipitously intrigued when I had both read the article that chronicled the early games and design ( ), and picked up a copy of Battletech 4th ed for real real cheap at the Brimfield Antiques Show all in the same week.  a thorough reading of the article and referencing the mech stats from the back of the rulebook was enough to make converting things over to T&T, which is another system I have no prior knowledge of.  I got a pdf of that (1st ed) for $2, and that was very easy to digest, in all my years of gaming I always just assumed T&T was just too simplistic and really just for choose your own adventure type solo games.  the combat and saves mechanics are really all you're using so I found 1st ed to be a fine version to use though it seems 4th ed is the preferred version.  It took me about an hour of understanding the ranges and combat numbers, the movements bands and activations.  I very much like it for quick solo games or over discord resolutions. I could definitely see this going well over a discord chat and using a die roller in the chat.  it also could be used for quick combat resolution in a larger more rpg type game.  there's a lot of options I could see people using it for.  I really like its simplicity, and ease of making adjustments.  I allowed my teams to have 4 points they could distribute amongst themselves to give bonuses to either movement or shooting rolls.  I also ruled that Banshee's PPC would reroll 1's on damage to represent it's power.  

I ran an Atlas and a Cicada vs a Banshee and an Assassin.  The Atlas and Assassin both had long range missiles, and fired them at each other while holding still (I allowed a +1 to shooting if the mech did not move that round)  The Atlas hit and did 39 of 40hp damage to the Assassin.  I ruled it would be fully stunned 1 round then -1 to move the next round.  It simultaneously fired its LRM back but missed!  the Cicada lept forward 1 range band.  I just broke up the map into 4 slices, 2 on each side of the fold to represent 4 range bands.  each time a unit moved closer i moved them 4 hexes forward.  I ignored terrain for the first game, but would like to add some at least for line of sight blockers affecting combat a little.  After that the Banshee was able to get 20 damage off on the Atlas, but it wasn't enough to affect his rolls the next turn, and the cicada got in close range with its med laser and the Atlas hammered away with its AC20.  I could have got the Assassin back in the game on a suicide run, but it was kind of over at that point and I definitely got the gist of how this game plays.  It's quite slick.  I would highly recommend, Battletech 4th ed pdfs were free online, I was fortunate enough to score those cardboard cutouts from the box, they had all the standees and even the little unit decals, but you could use Tau models from 40k, legos, or I bet there's sci-fi chits easily found online.  Give this mashup a try, click the link to see the original article/concept.  

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