Friday, March 22, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 78

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #- 78 Session Date- 3/20/24

Time Passed-  4 days (3/20-22, rest 3/24)

Roll Call-  Godhard- C6

2x P1 hench

Finnigan- T3

` Harry- T6

37 Lt Foot

10 Lt Cav

4 Elite Lt Cav

5 Hvy Hobilar

10 Med Cav

16 Kazarian Lt Cav

8 Kazarian Med Cav

8 Lt Cav Bowmen

Adventure Log-  The party considers how to approach North Station and the Mick Jagger Mage after leaving a message to attempt parley outside the station on 3/20.  They consider taking only a small ambassadorial party, but instead decide to take their full complement of troops, partly for security, but also hopeful that should negotiations go well they may get the mage to transport them on the cubic gateways back to Bartertown.    By the time all the troops are mustered and the wagons prepped, and the Kazarian troops assembled it is midday, and they head out, camp the night a few hours away and reach it the morning of the 21st.  The party  approaches North Station with the party members out front and the army in behind, the spearmen staying close to the party as they move forward hopeful to negotiate with the mage.  As they approach, they notice some blockades have been placed across the mall staircase, and a pair of archer blinds have been constructed on each flank of the entrance.  The party calls out for parley about 200 ft from the mall entrance, when a mob of 70 gruff humanoids emerges, many wielding halberds, and some with bows and morning stars.  Finnigan calls out in orcish hoping to try for negotiations, but the creatures push forward menacingly as the Mick Jagger mage and his 2 lackeys take up positions in the archer blinds.  With talks looking unlikely, the party calls for the spearmen to make a wall, and the cav swings to the flanks preparing to possibly charge.  That is enough of a show of force to get the hobgoblins to charge and the archers to fire off a volley of shots.  The hobgoblin sub chief and his 2 bodyguards range forward looking to get at the PCs.  Godhard stops 2 of them with a hold person spell, but the halberd bearers crash into the spearmen and slay 9.  Mick Jagger and one of his lackeys pull out their shiny wand pistols but the shots go wide.  The other lackey marches forward at the rear of the hobgoblins.  The party’s cav and most of the Kazarians sprint far past the hobgoblin mob, hoping to turn about and get off a rear charge on them the following turn.  The majority of the hobgoblins get into melee, and start to take some damage from the party.  The next round the mage begins casting, and his lackey fires off another stun gun shot and Finnigan is stunned for several rounds.  Godhard tries to cast silence on the mage, and the cav crashes onto the rear of the monsters to minimal effect.  Some perish but the mob holds.  Jagger completes his spell and a noxious cloud forms 30 feet in front of him, and he calls out to “Learn the ways of the cubic gates and meet me on the other side! Defeat my man and you will learn the way.”  and with that he turns to run back into the building.  Godhard’s silence spell goes off on him but he resists, so it only affects the area and will not move with him.  The hobgoblin bodyguard manages to get into melee with Jorel the paladin and slay her, and the cav and spearmen manage to kill more hobgoblins, and take some wounds but no deaths.  As Finnigan awakens the melee about him ends with the hobgoblins slain and the human troops fatigued.  Godhard and Roland move to take on the mages lackey, as Harry hides amongst the downed hobgoblins and creeps to the lackeys rear.  The following round his backstab hits something hard, he realizes there is metal beneath the lackeys strange skin.  Godhard and Roland bash him, eventually Godhard lands a headshot and the creature’s head is nearly severed, and it begins to flail at breakneck speed and lash out in all directions, white lubricant spraying from his wounds.  Several party members are wounded in its death throes, but finally it crashes to the ground inert.  After a moment of silence the severed head begins to speak- “begin training Module 1- Motorman skills.”  It begins to ramble a lesson on cubic gate operation.  Finnigan investigates it and sees inside the open mouth several buttons, he is able to figure them to be able to play stop fast forward and rewind the module lessons.  It’s likely it is these lessons that are necessary to utilize the module workbooks along with the training areas of North Station.  With the head figured out, they police up all the treasure amongst the hobgoblin mob and amass 6000gp, 1000cp and 3 gems worth over 1000gp collectively.  Wounded, they elect to leave the battlefield and rest then head back to the Kazarians area to recover and count the treasure.  Finnigan is able to train with Harry, and the party starts to make plans on how to access the North Station to begin training on the modules.  A few days later a scout party is sent out to investigate North Station to see if the Mick Jagger mage is still there.  They find the station empty, it seems Mick had the hobgoblins build some crude barricades to partially block off the lower levels keeping the insects and lizards below ground.  On the upper levels, it seems he and his lackey are gone, most of the things they were piling up on the 3rd floor are gone, and a message left where the party left their original message to “meet me on the other side” is scrawled on the floor. No other trace of Mick is found.  It seems safe to send a party to train at North Station.  Each module takes 2 weeks of training to complete.  End of Chapter 5.

Session Notes-  This seemed a natural conclusion to the chapter.  I have always just organically decided when each chapter ends, this one started with the party wondering how the cubic gates work and ended with them having everything they need to start training on the gate modules.  There is no plan as to what the next chapter will be about.  Only session play will tell.  The party now has a new nemesis in Mick Jagger and they may see him again especially if they start messing with interrealm travel as per his challenge.  It was good to run a mass combat-ish session.  We did it simply as a combat at 1:10 scale.  I had the hobgoblin leadership and the androids and Mick fight vs the PCs and hench, and the hobgoblin troops and party mercs fought at 1:10.  The party got pretty lucky only one of their squads went down, a few were wounded but did not drop to 0.  Jorel the hench did die, so that’s starting to be a few charges off the party’s rod of resurrection.  It was probably a better way to introduce mass combat into the campaign as opposed to my origins l plan to have some armies start marching around Bartertown and see if any conflict would arise.  I think keeping it all contained to basically one encounter simplified it enough to see that it could be done without making it a multi session endeavor with a lot of setup.  I picked up a document cam for my dm setup which really improved how well we can see die rolls and minis on the discord cam.  The top down view was a little hard to light, but the separate cam made using my laptop in session a lot easier.  The new setup definitely motivates me to play more.  Running games online I find it is very important to give yourself enough space and set your area up for ease of use during sessions.  

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 70 Hobgoblins, 3 Hobgoblin leaders 2240xp, Android 540xp. Treasure- 1000cp, 6000gp, 3 gems 7110xp= 9890xp/ 3 PCs = 3296xp each, Godhard gets 2308xp, the 2 hench get 494xp each. Add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard-  Lt Foot and 1 Camp Follower to spitting snakes and 1 Lt Foot to wraiths in the dungeon south of Bartertown.  (session 69)

3 Spearmen to Wraiths in the subway dungeon south of Bartertown  (session 70)

1 Spearman to Sons of Kyuss in the dungeon south of Bartertown  (session 73)

Rust went to Death’s Door by Blood Hawks while crossing the Sind Desert (1wk rest sess. 74)

Godhard killed by a Dust Stalker at N. Station, resurrected with a Rod of Resurrection (sess. 75)

12 Lt Foot killed by Mick Jagger M/U’s lightning bolt at North Station (session 76)

9 Lt Foot Killed by Hobgoblins at the Battle of North Station (session 78)

Jorel killed by a Hobgoblin bodyguard with 1hp at the Battle of North Station, resurrected with a Rod of Resurrection (session 78)

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