Saturday, April 6, 2024

Nappendixia Campaing 2.0- session 79

 Nappendixia Session Reports Chapter 6

Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #- 79 Session Date-  4/3/24

Time Passed-  12 days (4/3-4/3, rest 4/14)

Roll Call-  Godhard- C6

2x P1 hench

Rust- D1

Harry- T6

Kazarian Cav

4 Lt Foot

10 Lt Cav

3 Hobilar

7 Wagons and crew

Adventure Log-  The session started with resolving some downtime activities.  Stigr had been in Lancebrass for several weeks and in that time recruited the following troops-  15 Shortbowmen, 7 Crossbowmen, 16 Lt Foot, 4 Lt Crossbow Horsemen, 5 Longbowmen, and 8 Sappers.  The majority of the active party remained with the Kazarians where Harry Trained Finnigan up to 4th level.  Also Godhard, Rust and a unit of Lt Foot traveled to North Station to begin Motorman training, so play began with PCs in 3 locations, and with several locked in training.  

4/ 5-  Harry and Finnigan took the troops remaining with the Kazarians to Lancebrass to rendezvous with Stigr and help pay for and equip them. They arrive on the 6th and begin arming the new troops.  On the 7th they head out for North Station to catch up with Godhard and Rust who are soon to end their training.  Surprisingly, with all of that travel, the lands of Nappendixia are absent of random encounters.  

4/8- Godhard and Rust finish their training, only to realize that the training coincides with the New Moon cycle, thus granting the motormen navigators access to some new powers.  This date is also when Harry and his Kazarian riders arrive, having split off from Stigr and Finnigan who opted to caravan the remainder of the troops, the cavalry and most of the wagons, across the Sind Desert back to Bartertown, knowing they would not have any way to get horses up onto the Gate’s stone top.  When Harry arrives, Godhard and Rust tell him of the training where they used the practice carrels and the suits in the big room to simulate a strange ethereal soupy materium that they could sort of swim through to guide the travelers through the gates to different locations and planes.  They decide to utilize the newly gained motorman power of being able to go to any cubic gate station when used on a New Moon phase, as the 8th just happened to coincide with.  Godhard, Rust, Harry, 20 Lt Foot and the 2 Paladin hench travel through the gate and choose to arrive at the original Cubic Gate not far from Bartertown.  They arrive that evening and when they arrive at the new location, the ethereal materium seems to travel up into the heavens.  They follow the vision up and to the North, and realize something- a new star, faint, but near the North Star has appeared. The dissipating etherealness seems to reveal this new star to them all.  They take the 2 day foot travel to Bartertown and when they arrive find that other sages and wise folk and nature oriented folks have also noticed the new star.  Many of them have cloistered themselves in seclusion to contemplate what the new star's arrival may mean.  They spend some time trying to ascertain if there has been any alterations to their time or reality, and think the world is as it was before.  After arriving in Bartertown, they seek and audience with Master letting him know they have a few new tech magazines to share.  They are actually granted an audience, and Master is excited to get the magazines.  He also reminds them of the potential plans to build a railway to the Cubic Gate.  He tells them it could take 20,000gp in materials and tech to do and he would like to split the cost.  However that price will only work if the party helps liberate an ancient store of railway materials up to the NE.  He tells the party that all scouting parties and work caravans get brutally attacked in the night by an unknown force.  The party decides to take the job, but does some intel first.  They pay the caster Beirut to cast Clairvoyance and Contact Outer Plane.  With those spells they are able to spy a distant forest of scrubby Joshua trees at the center there is a huge dome shaped structure with a wide arched opening.  They see piles of wooden ties, piles of sand and gravel, and long straight iron rail lines.  They do not spy any fortifications or large troop presence.  They also learn that there is not an undead presence, and there are multiple creatures that threaten the area.  They head out with the intel and arrive on the 12th.

4/12-  Harry stealths forward into the forest, but is a little noisy.  It almost immediately arouses the dusk time roving of 3 Brown Bears, Harry tries to flee back to the party but is swiped by a bear on the retreat.  The combat is fierce and the halberd men are effective against the large creatures.  Rust casts Entanglement on the bears right when their leader- a true and fearsome Werebear, emerges from the flank and tries to maul through the halberd men to get to the party.  One lt foot falls dead, and the paladin strikes the were creature with a mundane weapon, doing no damage.  Harry follows him in charge but misses with his magic weapon.  The combat readjusts and the bears are slain as the party pulls back from the werebear and the troops shower it in holy anointed oil, incinerating the creature in a hail of fire.  It collapses dead and the railway materials depot is liberated.  They search the innards of the silo and find the corpses of a few adventurers and liberate some treasure and magic items.  They rest a bit and head out for Bartertown and arrive on the 13th and rest all day the 14th.  Harry and 1 paladin hench are badly wounded by the werebear, and Godhard preemptively casts Remove Curse on them to prevent lycanthropy. 

Session Notes-  This was definitely the most time/place intensive session the campaign has seen to date.  We had downtime things to resolve at the beginning of the game, and had relevant PC in 3 different locations, some had just come back from training, and some started the session locked in training time.  It was a bit overwhelming at first due to the fact that we’ve been playing on a “set it and forget it” style of play as of late, my work has been busy and it the only way the game is continuing to flourish, it’s great for me to know that a successful session can be pulled off with no prep.  The players were great in helping unwind where everyone was and when trainings were going to end, so that’s helpful when players chip in and are invested in the 1:1 style play.  Also the PCs wanted to try to cast Remove Curse on the werebear, to see if they could return it to a human.  The rules for lycanthropy in the DMG were pretty ponderous, we could not get a quick answer, but as I read it a remove curse would only work after the creature was slain, the rules were quite muddy.  I allow anyone who wants to research the rules deeper to present their thoughts in future sessions, I’m always agreeable to hearing players interpretations of the rules.

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 3 Brown Bear 1422xp, Werebear 1185xp  Treasure- 5x Jewelry 6200gp/xp, 2x scrolls, Scroll of Prot. from Elementals 1500xp, potion of Clairvoyance 300xp, Incense of Meditation 500xp= 11,107xp/ 3 PCs= 3702xp each.  Godhard gets 2592xp and the paladins get 555xp each.  Add % bonus if applicable.

Graveyard-  1 Lt Foot- killed by the Werebear at the rail supply depot NE of Bartertown (session 79)

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