Saturday, April 13, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 80

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  80 Session Date-4/10/24

Time Passed-  13 days (4/8-18, rest on 4/19)

Roll Call-  Stigr- F4

Finnigan- T4

15 Shortbowmen

7 L. Crossbowmen

20 Lt Foot

4 Mounted Crossbowmen

5 Longbowmen

10 Med Cav

10 Porters

2 Sappers

14 Lt Cav w/ Elites

5 Hvy Hobilar

Adventure Log-  The group that headed across the Sind Desert began that journey on 4/8.  They estimate it will take 10 days, ¾ of which over desert terrain.  They have several days of uninterrupted desert travel, when on day 4 they encounter a herd of camels, and choose to ignore them.  They make it the rest of the way across the Sind uneventfully, save noticing a new star in the sky, adjacent to the North star.  The sky shimmers a bit on the night they notice it.  They enter badlands terrain, and at one point come across a pack of wild boar.  Again they give the wild animals a wide berth as the archers fire a few warning shots at them.  Towards the end of the journey, on day 9, just before the terrain around Bartertown becomes familiar, the party is set upon by that same pack of wild boar, as they rove behind the party then push forward for a charge.  They party’s rear; mounted guard respond to the threat and several boar are skewered on the set spears of the hobilar.  A few boar make vicious attacks back and a few hobilar fall.  Then suddenly from the darkness on the flanks of the party appear several wereboars, 87 in total.  The party is limited on available effective weapons, as they realize they only have access to 20 silver tipped spears, and a few magic weapons.  3 wereboar attack the PCs and some of the lt foot with silver spears, and 2 attack the Kazarians, and 2 attack the shortbowmen.  Several Kazarians fall, as well as several silver spearmen and shortbowmen, and Stigr amounts an offensive with his magic sword.  Finnigan cleverly uses silver coins to pelt the were creatures from a distance on his horse.  Casualties are heavy, but the silver and magic take down 2, and the Kazarians douse several in holy flaming oil, incinerating them.  The 2 fighting the bowmen are eventually taken down, and Stigr mounts a final combat against the supposed wereboar leader, who is strangely laden with a heavy pack.  Stigr takes some wounds from the creature, but eventually takes it down and the combat is over.  The troops are briefly unnerved, but Finnigan lightens the mood and they begin tending to wounded and policing up the dead.  Surprisingly Stigr finds the wereboars pack to be laden with over 4000cp, why he is unsure.  The party finds a nearby lair and locates over 5000sp and a fine box that serves as a potion holder filled with 7 potions, all quite useful.  They rest a bit and make it back to Barterotwn on 4/18 very tired and in need of rest.  Several PCs prepare to train and several from last session are also in training.  

Session Notes-  This session was just getting the remainder of the party the didn’t take the gate back to Bartertown back to Bartertown.  It was kind of an extension to last session’s super logistics heavy events.  It was cool to have the PCs dispersed all over the map and interacting in 1:1 time, but it’s also nice when things are a little more settled, and there’s more of a large stable of PCs all in the same settled area, giving more access to variety, and simpler record keeping.  We will see how things progress, I’m definitely enjoying letting the procedural stuff straight out of the AD&D core books sort of run the game.  I don’t feel obligated to pre-roll things out, there’s a good enough of a flow, and I’m quick enough with rulings to really let the random tables fully take over and not add hardly any wacky story stuff.  Although things like Mick Jagger and all the 80s sci-fi references are fun and I’ll continue to add them in a bit, there’s really cool things that come just from the random tables.  For example, the wild boars and the were boars, the were completely random rolls, no finessing or anything.  It was only natural to combine them into one big encounter. It was a pretty epic combat, then rolling random treasure, and doing xp in real time kind of made up the whole session and we had fun through the whole process.  It’s much more back to basics, and I like it.  

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- 7 Wereboar 2723xp, 4 Wild Boar 532xp  Treasure- 4100cp(41xp), 5600sp(280xp), 7 Potions 3400xp= 6976xp/ 2PCs= 3488xp each, add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard-  1 Lt Foot- killed by the Werebear at the rail supply depot NE of Bartertown (session 79)

2 Silver Spearmen, 4 Kazarians, 4 Shortbowmen, 3 Hvy Hobilar- killed by wereboars and wild boars 1 day outside of Bartertown. (session 80)

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