Saturday, May 4, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 82

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  82 Session Date-  5/1/24

Time Passed-  9 days (5/1- 5/8, rest 5/9)

Roll Call-  Stigr- F5

Kenny- M/U5

Boyo- C4 hench

Mayfly- M/U1 hench

Finnigan- T5

noname - R1 hench

10 Lt Cav

Adventure Log-  In the days before the previous session’s party returned to Bartertown a band of merchants 160 in number, including their troops rolls into town.  Stigr and a few others from the Iron Company engage then and it turns out they are the very same band of merchants they had encountered in the field twice before.  One time they met in the wild and shared water and a camp for the night.  They reconnect and show their wares, mostly mundane but they do have 2 things of quite unusual note.  The first is one of the 4 wheeled metal vehicles the party has seen in many of the sci-fi magazines.  They also have seen a few of these in operation at the site of the Marauders outside of Papagallo’s new fortress.  The vehicle does not run on its own, but it has been fitted with a double horse harness, and wheels and axles are well-maintained and free of rust.  The also see inside the hood of the vehicle that many of the engine parts are intact and it is possible with a little more learning on the subject that the vehicle could be repaired.  This vehicle is large and white and has the marking Bronco on its rear panel.  The 2 merchants looking to sell it introduce themselves as AC and OJ.  They also have a pile of other vehicle parts in a separate wagon they are looking to sell.  They want 5000gp for the Bronco and another 1500gp for the spare parts.  Stigr begins to cultivate a relationship with the merchants and over the next few days finds out they would be willing to stay in Bartertown for a while to sell their wares if the Iron Company would offer them lodging in some of the abandoned buildings in their quarter if they agree to fixing them up a bit.  They also throw in their remaining Battlewagon as a trade-in.  The preliminary deal is set, and on the 5th after all the active PCs have arrived in Bartertown and agreed to the deal and money is pooled, they make the purchase of the Bronco and the parts, and the merchants begin moving into the Iron Quarter for a 6 month residency.   With that settled, Godhard seeks a trainer and begins for level 7, as others take heed of a rumor the merchants give them of a crevasse in the ground to the north about 30 miles from Bartertown.  They spied a cave opening down an accessible grade into the crevasse, and the party is eager to earn back in treasure some of what they just spent on the Bronco.  Stigr, Finnigan, Kenny, and their assembled party head out on the 6th.

5/6 - Within just a few hours of  departing they come across a large warband of orcs, over 200 in number.  Fortunately the keen eyes of the ranger spots them from a distance and they manage to get initiative on the orcs and the party's light horse are much faster than the marching orcs so there is no possibility of pursuit and the party goes around, but not before sending the ranger back to Bartertown to quickly warn the town them catch back up to the group.  The rest of the day they see no signs of orcs or large armies of any kind.  It seems the troop activity from several months ago has not fully elapsed, and there may be a reckoning in the near future between Bartertown and the Headhunter Orcs.  They rest that night a few hours march from the crevasse.  In the night the ranger catches back up to the party as Bartertown defenses prepare for the orcs.  

5/7- In the dawn hours of rest, the party is set upon by ogres.  Fortunately they are spotted form a distance, and at 80 yards, they win initiative and Kenny is able to get a fireball centered to hit 13 out of 16.  The magic form his fireball is particularly powerful, and 12 of the 13 perish as the remaining 4 charge into the party.  Stigr stands to take the brunt of the attack and is seriously wounded but the party prevails and cuts down the remaining.  They easily see the tracks of the ogre band that lead down the navigable ledge into the crevasse.  They take it single file down about 6 levels to a place where there is a wide cave opening in the side of the crevasse.  There are also 2 square pillars inset in the cliff wall adding support and also several square pillars broken off but jutting up from the bottom of the crevasse which is filled with water.  Finnigan inches forward into the cave opening and finds what appears to be the ogre clan’s lair and also the beginnings of a larger dungeon complex that seems to be both ancient and well-carved.  In the ogre area Finnigan spies the massive ogre chief and several females and younglings.  He sees their meager living area and a set of stairs that lead up to a landing and a door and a further corridor.  Unfortunately Finnigan is not that silent and the stone shifts and alerts the chief who charges off after the noise, causing Finnigan to run back to the party on the narrow ledge, calling them into the lair to avoid the combat on the precarious ledge.  They move in and the combat ensues, with 3 females engaging to aid the chief.  A well placed web spell gets the chief and 2 females, but the massive chief quickly breaks through and continues to be a threat with his massive club.  He targets Finnigan mostly, who is hit several times, but dodges many others.  Eventually the chief falls to melee blows, and the females are incinerated when the webs are ignited with flaming oil.  The final female surrenders, and the party graciously lets her leave with her younglings and some food and clothing.  They make it back to Bartertown after resting and policing up the meager treasure of the ogres, over 900gp plus a hefty pile of copper and silver.  They party lately has been eyeing copper and silver more for their industrial uses rather than their use as a a precious metal.  They figure out a way to distribute the over 900 pounds of copper and silver plus the gold and travel back, arriving on the 9th.  The party marks the crevasse on their map, noting that there is still much to explore there.

Session Notes-  So as stated above, the players have become interested in silver and copper not as precious metals, but as industrial metal, they have crafted silver spear and arrowheads with their last haul of silver, and now they want to try smelting down their new haul of copper to make wire.  It certainly is a productive use of the lesser coins, however I wonder if coins used in this way should grant xp.  It was always my understanding that you get xp for treasure because you are basically liberating it away from some monster or dungeon, and putting it back into the current money system.  Not a huge deal either way as copper and silver generate xp at such a high ratio.  Also just noting that lately the party has been generating lower than average treasure, but have recently hit it several times on the magic items column.  They also have been generating a fair share of their xp in monster kills, with no big hauls of treasure in recent sessions.  This is why I do offer a cheaper way of paying for training, because otherwise many PCs would be jammed up at their next level, not earning xp but having to grind for treasure to pay for their next level.  It’s the only thing I offer intentionally not RAW, although several players have opted to pay for the RAW method in the dmg.  I just feel the game would get stagnant if PCs felt there wasn’t adequate treasure.  The campaign is at session 82 and we have our first PC about to hit level 7, I feel that is a good pace, if not a little slow, but that PC did not start at the first session, there has been a bit of turnover in the Nappendixia Campaign.  

Treasure and XP-  Monsters-  16 ogres and chief 3433xp  Treasure- 960gp, 8000cp, 2000sp (1140xp)= 4573xp/ 3PCs= 1524xp, Stigr gets 1524, Finnigan gets 1295, Kenny gets 1066, and the henchmen each get 229.  The party gets an additional 1000gp for the ogres bounty, treasure only- no xp.

Graveyard-    1 Lt Foot- killed by the Werebear at the rail supply depot NE of Bartertown (session 79)

2 Silver Spearmen, 4 Kazarians, 4 Shortbowmen, 3 Hvy Hobilar- killed by wereboars and wild boars 1 day outside of Bartertown. (session 80)

5 Silver Spearmen, 1 Bowman- killed by by werewolves and a weird blood thing at Outpost 31 North of Bartertown (session 81)

1 Lt Cav- killed by Ogres at the crevasse north of Bartertown (session 82)

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