Saturday, May 18, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 83

 Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  83 Session Date-  5/15/24

Time Passed-  4 days (5/15-5/17, rest 5/18)

Roll Call-  Stigr- F5

Harry- T6

Finnigan- T5

Anjar- R1 hench

Kenny- M/U5

Boyo- C3 hench

Mayfly- M/U1 hench

10 Lt Cav

Adventure Log-  Downtime Activities-  Rust and the party of casters and troops arrives at North Station to train on the Cubic Gate modules.  Rust trains to level 2 by night, and the lower level casters train to level 1.  They remain in the upper levels of the station and have no encounters while training which completes on 5/21.  Godhard continues training and after that works to get all of the map knowledge he received onto a physical paper map.  That will complete on 5/26.  The party discusses plans to build an archery range and hire a proper archery teacher.  They get some estimates on how the range will allow for better acquisition of ranged troops.  They begin costing out the structure.  They also do more research and investigate the Ford Bronco and realize that they think they have identified 2 engine pieces that they still need to rebuild the engine, and they begin to think about the liquid fuel and how they may recreate that.  They consider the liquid inside the tank of the flame thrower and how that combustible liquid may be related.  They plan to get help from Master’s engineer or perhaps find their own to complete the Bronco and make a fuel source.  They hope to find the car graveyard that the merchants told them about.  They know it is in the vicinity of the Crevasse Dungeon, so they decide to head there to possibly find a temporary base to search for the car graveyard from.  They gear up and the available PCs head out on the 15th.

5/15-  The day of travel north to the Crevasse dungeon goes uneventfully and they camp within sight of the tear in the earth.  The following day they approach the narrow graded path down into the crevasse, Harry in the lead checking the path as they move forward.  He detects a span of the earthen path that has lost its integrity, the rocks beneath it having broken off and tumbled away into the watery bottom of the crevasse.  He skillfully uses his rope of climbing to prepare a series of handholds above the path, and a loop back to walk across to support their weight but still allow them to lightly touch the ground for balance.  It takes time to set up and prep the PCs for crossing but it goes smoothly and safely.  They re-enter the dungeon and find it still stinks of ogre in the front set of rooms where they recently defeated them.  However they do notice a strange creature standing on the upper landing where the ogre chief had his bedroom.  The creature is a shimmering bluish camel-like creature with a long snout.  It seems to skittishly be lingering on the stone floor above the stairs leading down from the landing.  Harry approaches cautiously, unsure if the creature is a threat or more animal-like, but a little clouded by the idea of possibly capturing a strange magical creature.  He drapes the Rope of Climbing over his shoulder and with open hands and calm demeanor approaches the beast.  It allows him to approach and even pet him, but then it turns on Harry, its snout becomes alight with magical energy and it clamps down on his rope with its long snout.  Harry sees the magical force of his prized magic rope get sucked into the creature's snout and is horrified, he turns to run back to the party, as they begin preparing battle plans.  Kenny theorizes it's some type of magic eating creature and that mundane weapons only should be used.  They fire off bullets, fire, and dagger attacks, many expertly hit, but they seem to do no damage.  They Mayfly casts his magic missile spell and the creature recoils and is wounded.  He remains focused on Harry and strikes out at his magical leather armor and clamps down on that before Harry can run, sapping it of magic.  The next volley of magic spells and weapons do significant damage, and a retreating harry fires off a magic arrow as the creature tries to flee, slaying it but not before losing 2 very nice magic items.  They rest and regroup and find no treasure connected to the Disenchanter.  Finnigan then takes the lead for a while and they take the passage north, to a double set of stairs that continue a wide passageway supported by large square pillars.  Finnigan finds a series of pressure plate trap triggers on each set of stairs, and some corresponding small holes in the walls that could shoot out a dart or spike.  He places a copper coin over each plate and points out a good route for the party to take to avoid the trap.  He does some listening on the upper level which ends in 2 doors heading north.  He hears the sounds of troops training and discerns the language to be goblin, but not from small creatures, too big and booming voices to be goblins.  He slides a mirror under the door to try to get a look but is only able to tell its is a large long east-west room, and he sees several sets of large feet waiting in ambush on the other side of the door.  Hoping they did not see the mirror, they quickly devise a plan to open the door, pepper the ambushers with missiles, and drop a fireball amongst the training troops, despite not being sure quite where in the large room they are located.  Stigr successfully kicks the door open and the party gets initiative, seeing 4 snarling bugbears at the threshold.  Kenny guessed correctly and was able to engulf the majority of the troops in his fireball, who all perished, but 4 bugbears that were laying the ambush by the double doors came charging out after using the door frames as cover     from the arrows and sling bullets.  Stigr holds them back from the rest of the party and takes several heavy wounds from their halberds, but they are taken down and the party finds a bit of treasure on each of the 22 bugbears, along with a heavy sack of platinum and electrum.  They also take a large heavy tapestry of fine quality from the far wall in the large hall.  There are a series of 5 doors at that end of the hall and they map it all, rest and scout around to check for more enemies, then rest and head back out of the dungeon laden with treasure.  They return on the 17th and rest the 18th.

Session Notes-  So the Disenchanter was a purely random roll off the Fiend Folio Tables.  I use FF for certain areas of the campaign, and it came up as an encounter just as they were entering the dungeon.  It’s just another resource management element in the game.  Not one I was thinking about at all, but like a rust monster can seriously affect a party’s resources, apparently so can a disenchanter.  At least once, it’s unlikely the party would allow that to happen again.  Overall it was pretty superior play.  They negotiated both traps/hazards well, and used good tactics in the bugbear combat.  Also we’re at a point where the PCs are all 5 level and above, and they are starting to be more tactical about using henchen.  Also they are attracted to deeper dungeon levels, where men at arms won’t go, so there’s starting to be some recognition that the large mobs of troops can’t buffer the party in every situation, plus troops are expensive to raise and maintain.  It has been however, quite some time since the random tables have produced a very powerful monster, it has been some time since the red dragon roll.  Large amounts of orcs etc. can be a huge threat and potentially kill PCs/parties, but there’s something else that goes on when you get those dragon-level random table rolls.  Only the dice know what the future holds for the campaign.

Treasure and XP-  Monsters- Disenchanter 350xp, 22 bugbear 3938xp Treasure- tapestry, 352cp, 198sp, 66ep, 66gp, 1000ep, 450pp= 7547xp/ 4 PCs= 1887xp each. Finnigan gets 1604xp, Kenny gets 1321xp, and each hench gets 283xp. add % bonus if appropriate.

Graveyard- 1 Lt Foot- killed by the Werebear at the rail supply depot NE of Bartertown (session 79)

2 Silver Spearmen, 4 Kazarians, 4 Shortbowmen, 3 Hvy Hobilar- killed by wereboars and wild boars 1 day outside of Bartertown. (session 80)

5 Silver Spearmen, 1 Bowman- killed by by werewolves and a weird blood thing at Outpost 31 North of Bartertown (session 81)

1 Lt Cav- killed by Ogres at the crevasse north of Bartertown (session 82)

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