Saturday, September 28, 2024

Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 94

Nappendixia Campaign Session Report

Session #-  94 Session Date-  9/27/24

Time Passed-  3 days (9/27-28, rest 29th)

Roll Call- Kenny-  MU5 

Boyo- C5

Godhard- C7

2x P2 hench

Stigr- F5

Rust- D5

Finnigan- T6

30 Lt Foot

20 Bowmen

Adventure Log-  During downtime the completion of Kenny’s wizard tower is nearing completion.  While doing that he continues to monitor both Papadoo’s location and the siege with the Marauders, as well as scout the surrounding landscape around Bartertown.  While doing that he scrys a Barrow Mound lousy with Wights in the vicinity it had not been noticed before.  However he also scrys on Papadoo one day and he sees the aftermath of what must have been a huge battle, both sides have suffered heavy losses and there is a breach in Papa’s walls.  The party decides to mobilize its troops and mount a rescue.  They take footmen and bowmen and arrive at night after taking the rail to the Cubic Gate and waiting there to launch a night stealth attack.  They get there and are not noticed as some troops move into the abandoned wood juggernaut with the party.  Finnigan is able to figure out the controls and when he replaces the gem peg that Harry had removed, the point of Str he had lost was restored despite his far location.  With the troops in place, they assessed their opponents.  Humungous was noticeably absent, but There were still a stone juggernaut, a wood juggernaut that was closest to them, and the android driving the Suburban was skirmishing at Papa’s walls.  Kenny casts invisibility 10” and the party stealths forward, using the chime of opening on the secret hatch of the wood juggernaut.  They stealth inside and eliminate the surprised troops inside.  Finnigan stays behind to pilot the other Wood juggernaut.  It appears to be a tank battle, as Kenny casts a fireball on the 20 troops that were positioned with the stone juggernaut, and the combat consisting of tank assaults continued.  Thankfully the party had signaled Papa who emerged with his own vehicle and kept the Android at bay until the 2 wood juggernauts could smash the stone one, not before losing a wood juggernaut outright, and seriously damaging the other.   The party was victorious, but battered and the treasure in the stine juggernaut was great, the biggest haul they had ever netted.  They are victorious with Papa but cautious that Humungous may come back with more troops.  They elect to leave behind the wood juggernaut to guard Papa’s base as he re-secures his oil pumping mechanism.  Finnigan, after taking out the stone juggernaut tried to smash the androids vehicle in a way to capture/incapacitate it, but he drove too hard and smashed the machine man to pieces.  The stun gun however was recovered.  Rust speculates on how the gates may connect to other realms of reality, and gets confirmation of his theories.  They rest from the battle and wait the 24 hours until they can transport back to Bartertown, upon arriving there, they rest and several seek out training and plans for the spending of newly acquired funds begins.  End of Ch. 7

Session Notes-  This was the biggest treasure haul of the campaign, it was a long time coming, the party has been grinding for some time.  It’s good to have a big change at this time.  Now they are interested in constructing some things and doing some spell research.  They want to use their funds to construct a railroad to Papa’s and help secure his base and the rail line.  I asked them to sketch out their longterm plan and this os what they sent me today-  

The Plan Phase 1 1) Have Papadaux guard the construction crew as it returns to the gas well over six months and then have the train be used to have guards and ship construction materials to his area to make it truly secure. Pitch Bartertown and Papa paying half to get the strategic gas and Papa being able to build his fort in an otherwise undefensible position. We pay half and get gas at cost for our car and expand civilization. We also offer to kill the Slime Cult in the way. Cost 60000 GP and Six Months (technically 180*90 percent days 162 days and 54000 gold..... with the slide rule).

2) Use some of the gold to reinforce a wooden wall for the Iron Quarter to keep our share of the power sharing arrangement with the slide rule freed from the wizard's tower which will be done in two weeks. (Cost X and Time X) 3) Use the parts found on the Bronco and the ones we already have to fix up the Bronco to give us reliable transportation that can likely be driven in and out of the gate while troops secure the gate. (Cost X and Time Two Weeks) Phase 2 (Speculative) 4) Once the working railroad to Papa's place is done, give Hartford a tour and have them pay for half of a railroad (Group pays 1/3rd while other leaders of Barter town pay for 2/3s of one half the cost) to vastly increase both trade and troops to reinforce the rail network. 5) We seek a Quarry and build a rail network to it to reduce the cost to build a stone wall for Barter Town and the Iron Quarter. 6) Clear out the Vampires in the Library so that once we have 4 party members at level 7 we train for the wild gates and start exploring other world.

It’s cool to get more player content in these session reports, I will be trying to get more things like this in future session reports.  

Treasure and XP-  Treasure-  7000gp, 20,000pp, 15 gems 7750xp, 10,000gp, potions- polymorph self, ESP, Longevity= 126,950/ 6PC= 21,158xp each.  Henchmen get 3174xp each.  Add % bonus if appropriate.  You also recover the stun gun from the android.  It has 18 charges left.

Graveyard-  Anjar-  lost as an apparition in the dining hall of Chateau Amber (session 93)

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Nappendixia Campaign 2.0- session 94

Nappendixia Campaign Session Report Session #-   94 Session Date-   9/27/24 Time Passed-   3 days (9/27-28, rest 29th) Roll Call- K...